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  • Here's Your Fortune: Get Ahead on Bills, Used Car Tsunami, Meet HEO and Be a Logo Maestro

Here's Your Fortune: Get Ahead on Bills, Used Car Tsunami, Meet HEO and Be a Logo Maestro

Tomorrow’s Fortune

Welcome to the action-packed newsletter designed to help you navigate the world of business, investing, and technology. You owe it to yourself to stay informed! If you missed last week’s post, check it out here. 😎 

Today’s post is 2,034 words (~4 minutes). Don’t be lazy… let’s get rich!

Cool Fact: Amazon's Rekognition Mislabels Lawmakers: In 2018, Amazon's Rekognition software falsely flagged 28 members of Congress as criminals in a test, disproportionately affecting people of color. Talk about a major face-palm moment for AI. Turns out, even AI can't tell a Congressperson from a criminal!

Today’s Digest: 

  1. NEW VIDEO 👉🏼 BILLS, BILLS, BILLS: Let’s get ahead on our monthly obligations and learn how to pay bills on time

  2. Tesla Tears and Upside-Down Loans: The used car market meltdown you need to know about.

  3. The Future of Special Forces: Dive deeper into the HEO program and its potential impact.

  4. Logo Design: AI to the Rescue. Make money designing logos with AI.


Back again with a Friday special on YouTube! As I said before, my goal is to touch a million lives through financial wellness and provide the framework, insights and playbook to be SMART with your money.

Few things:

  1. Check out tonight’s video on Paying Bills on Time where I discuss 6 strategies to get ahead on your bills.🚀

  2. Make sure you Subscribe and hit those bell notifications so you never miss a beat 📲

  3. WATCH THE ENTIRE VIDEO! Pls and thank you… it helps the YT algorithm spread to others who could use the advice

  4. Like and comment and let me know what you think 🤩

  5. I’ll be uploading fire content every Friday until you’re rich

  6. Check out KENNY FINANCE for other videos


Shock Absorbers Needed: Used Car Prices Bottom Out, EVs Nosedive 🚗

Remember when a used car was practically a gold bar on wheels?  Yeah, those days are so over.  Used car prices are doing a swan dive, and if you're in the market for a new ride, that's fantastic news. But if you're hoping your trade-in will cover the cost? Buckle up, buttercup, because you might be in for a bumpy ride.

It's a topsy-turvy world out there. Post-pandemic inflation made used cars more expensive than a celebrity's divorce lawyer, but now the tables have turned. Wholesale prices have dropped a whopping 8.9% in the past year, and if the past 22 months are any indication, this trend isn't stopping anytime soon.

Electric vehicles (EVs) are taking the hardest hit, proving that even the coolest kids on the block can't escape a market downturn.  Tesla's Model 3 has lost a jaw-dropping 40% of its value in just one year. Ouch. It seems all those EV options popping up everywhere have made consumers a little hesitant to commit to the electric life.

The reasons behind this automotive apocalypse are simple: supply chains have finally healed from their pandemic hangover, and dealers are desperate to move inventory. The result is a glorious cascade of price drops, with sedans, SUVs, and even pickup trucks feeling the sting.

But before you start dancing in the dealership aisles, let's talk about the dark side of this bargain bonanza. If you're still making payments on a car that's suddenly worth less than a beanie baby collection, you might be in a pickle. So-called "upside-down" loans are at an all-time high, leaving many car owners in a financial lurch.

The silver lining? This used car price plunge is likely to put the brakes on inflation. So while your trade-in might not get you much, at least you can take comfort in knowing that your grocery bill might not be as shocking next month.

So there you have it – the wild, wacky world of the used car market.  It's a buyer's paradise, a seller's nightmare, and one heck of a roller coaster ride for anyone in between.


  • Houston, We Have a Problem: Hurricane Beryl's $28 Billion Texas-Sized Tantrum

  • Hurricane Beryl didn't just bring wind and rain, it brought a $28 billion bill to Texas.  This economic hurricane, complete with downed power lines, flooded homes, and disrupted supply chains, has left the Lone Star State feeling more like the "No Power" State. While the storm may be gone, the economic hangover is just beginning.  Talk about a Texas-sized tantrum.

  • Cooling inflation bolsters hopes for interest rate cuts.

  • Economists predict June's Consumer Price Index (CPI) report will show a continued cooling of inflation, with headline inflation expected to be 3.1% and core inflation at 3.4%. This positive trend, if confirmed, could bolster hopes for Federal Reserve interest rate cuts as it would mark the smallest annual rise in headline inflation since January.

  • Bloomberg's $1 Billion Gift: A Shot in the Arm for Medical Education

  • Michael Bloomberg is giving Johns Hopkins University a $1 billion shot in the arm, which will make medical school tuition free for most students. This is a major move that could help to address the doctor shortage in the US and make medical school more accessible to students from all backgrounds.


The Future of Warfare: Meet the US Military's AI-Powered Special Operators

Move over, Iron Man, the real-life super soldier is coming! No suits of armor here, just the US military merging with high-tech AI in a mind-blowing way.

Picture this: a lone American operative stalks the shadowy streets of an unfamiliar city. Tension hangs thick in the air, but a simple gesture triggers their secret weapon, not a gun, but an AI-powered "Hyper Enabled Operator" (HEO) system.

Suddenly, their vision becomes a heads-up display bursting with info. Facial expressions, heartbeats, even snippets of conversation are analyzed in the blink of an eye by powerful computers and an AI brain. The verdict? The crowds are buzzing about an upcoming event, not planning an ambush.

Sounds like a scene from a sci-fi flick, right? Nope, this is the near future of US special ops. HEO is the Pentagon's cutting-edge answer to the ever-changing face of warfare, focusing on brainpower over brute force.

Smarter, Not Stronger

HEO rose from the ashes of the TALOS program, which tried (and failed) to build an "Iron Man" suit for soldiers. This time, they're going a different route, giving operators tactical AI sidekicks like Tony Stark's trusty Jarvis.

The goal is clear: equip special ops with the tools to make lightning-fast, razor-sharp decisions in the heat of the moment. HEO is the ultimate force multiplier, tightening the OODA loop (observe, orient, decide, act) to outsmart the enemy. It's a symphony of advanced sensors, communication gear, and serious computing power, delivering real-time data and analysis straight to the operator's brain.

From the Battlefield to the Backstreets

HEO has shifted gears. Instead of just beefing up soldiers on the front lines, it's now all about dominating the "gray zone" - the murky space between peace and war. Think spies discreetly gathering intel in a bustling city, with a Google Glass-like device as their secret weapon.

To pull this off, the military is on the hunt for tech that supercharges situational awareness. We're talking facial recognition, gesture analysis, biometric sensors, and stealthy communication systems. It's like having a 24/7 data vacuum, transforming raw info into battlefield gold.

The Future is Now

HEO isn't just a pipe dream; it's a full-on revolution in the making. The military is pouring resources into key areas:

  • Sensing and Edge Computing: Think powerful, portable devices with specialized hardware running AI algorithms and crunching data on the spot, even without Wi-Fi.

  • Architecture and Analysis: A flexible system that weaves together data from various sources, presenting it in an easy-to-understand format.

  • Language Translation: Tools like the Versatile Intelligent Translation Assistant (VITA) translate speech and text in real time, breaking down language barriers and making interpreters a thing of the past.

Challenges and Opportunities

HEO might be the next big thing, but it's not all smooth sailing. Will it be intuitive and user-friendly? Will operators embrace it, or will it become a clunky albatross?

Despite the questions, HEO is a monumental leap forward in military tech, with the potential to rewrite the rulebook for special ops. The age of AI-powered super soldiers is upon us, and it's not about bulky exoskeletons – it's about supercharging the human mind with cutting-edge technology.

Other Cool AI News!

  • Oura's AI is Your New Health Bestie

  • Oura's not just tracking your sleep anymore—it's got a sassy AI health coach in its back pocket! Meet Oura Advisor, your new digital bestie who remembers your knee surgery and dishes out personalized advice based on your unique data. Forget generic tips, this AI is here to make your health journey feel less like homework and more like a fun chat with your most knowledgeable friend.

  • Chinese AI is Taking Over US Classrooms: Here's How

  • China's AI homework helpers are storming American classrooms! Apps like Question.AI and Gauth are the hottest new thing, giving students instant answers and step-by-step explanations. These AI whiz kids come straight from China's booming AI scene, where over 200 large language models are battling it out for dominance. Now, they're ready to take on the US, proving that the future of learning is definitely powered by AI.

  • AI Music: Ethical, But Can It Carry a Tune?

  • So, there's this new AI music generator called Jen. It's all "ethical" and stuff, promising to only use licensed tunes in its training. But guess what? When the pros gave it a listen, they were like, "Eh, not so hot." Looks like even with the best intentions, AI still can't quite capture that songwriting magic.


Logo Maestro: Unleash Your Inner Design Genius (With a Little AI Help)

Ever wished you could channel your inner artist and create stunning logos, even without a fancy design degree? Well, guess what? Thanks to the magic of AI, you can! This isn't just another side hustle; it's your ticket to unleashing your creative potential, making a real impact on businesses, and raking in some serious dough.

Overview of this Side Hustle: Think of it as being a logo whisperer, but instead of talking to horses, you're chatting with AI. You'll be the middleman between businesses needing a fresh look and the incredible logo-generating power of artificial intelligence. It's like having a graphic design team on speed dial, but without the coffee runs or office drama.

Startup Cost: The best part? Your startup costs are practically zilch! Most AI logo generators offer free trials or affordable subscriptions, starting as low as $10/month. You might also need to invest in a few marketing materials (think eye-catching social media posts or a snazzy website), but we're talking pocket change here.

Capital Intensity: This side hustle is about as low-risk as it gets. Your main investment is your time and a little creative flair. No need to worry about stocking inventory or renting out a fancy office space. Just you, your laptop, and a whole lot of AI-powered magic.

Interesting Growth Opportunities: The sky's the limit, my friend! Once you've mastered logo creation, you can branch out into other design services like social media graphics, website banners, or even custom illustrations. And as AI technology evolves, so will your offerings. You'll be at the forefront of a design revolution!

Earning Potential: The amount you can earn depends on your hustle and pricing strategy. Start small, charging $50-$100 per logo, and gradually increase your rates as your skills and reputation grow. Some savvy designers rake in upwards of $500 per project! With a little dedication and a dash of creativity, this side hustle could easily become a full-fledged business.

So, what are you waiting for? The world of AI-powered logo design is your oyster. Dive in, have fun, and let your creativity shine! Who knows, this might just be the start of your next big adventure.

This newsletter is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. The content is based on publicly available information, and the author makes no representations about its accuracy or completeness. Readers should conduct their own research before making any investment decisions.