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  • Here's Your Fortune: Highest Paying Jobs, Economy Holds Strong, AI Gone Rogue and Coach Your Way to Cash

Here's Your Fortune: Highest Paying Jobs, Economy Holds Strong, AI Gone Rogue and Coach Your Way to Cash

Tomorrow’s Fortune

Welcome to the action-packed newsletter designed to help you navigate the world of business, investing, and technology. You owe it to yourself to stay informed! If you missed last week’s post, check it out here. 😎 

Today’s post is 1,775 words (~4 minutes). Don’t be lazy… let’s get rich!

Cool Fact: ChatGPT generates phishing email templates. ChatGPT's latest party trick? Crafting phishing emails that would make even the most seasoned scammer jealous! Despite OpenAI’s attempts to rein in its mischief, the chatbot can still whip up a flawless scam with just a little nudge. Just ask it to pretend to be Microsoft, and voilà—a phishing email that’s practically begging for a click. It’s like ChatGPT’s version of “I’m not a crook, just a really convincing one.”

Today’s Digest: 

  1. NEW VIDEO 👉🏼 Highest Paying Jobs in 2024 🤑

  2. US Consumer Defies Expectations: Recession Fears Eased. Find out why people might be worrying too much about a recession.

  3. Grok-2: Elon Musk's AI Wild Card. Learn about the AI that's pushing boundaries and raising eyebrows.

  4. From Couch to Coach: Become a Career Coach. Help others find their dream jobs and make money too.


Back again with a Friday special on YouTube! As I said before, my goal is to touch a million lives through financial wellness and provide the framework, insights, and playbook to be SMART with your money.

Few things:

  1. Check out tonight’s video on Highest Paying Jobs in 2024 🤑

  2. Make sure you Subscribe and hit those bell notifications so you never miss a beat 📲

  3. WATCH THE ENTIRE VIDEO! Pls and thank you… it helps the YT algorithm spread to others who could use the advice

  4. Like and comment and let me know what you think 🤩

  5. I’ll be uploading fire content every Friday until you’re rich

  6. Check out KENNY FINANCE for other videos


A Recessionary Tale: Goldman Sachs' "Overblown" Optimism

Let's face it, we humans love a good scare. Whether it's a looming alien invasion or the threat of a global pandemic, we've got a penchant for worst-case scenarios. And when it comes to the economy, well, let's say we're a bunch of worrywarts.

So, when Goldman Sachs' Jan Hatzius came along, all calm and collected, saying, "Hey, don't worry, be happy. The recession is overblown," we were like, "Really? You're sure about that? Because we've got a whole bunker full of canned goods and a generator just in case."

Hatzius, bless his heart, pointed to some shiny new earnings reports and a strong retail sales month, and was basically like, "See? The economy is totally fine. It's like those rumors about the Loch Ness monster – everyone's talking about it, but no one's actually seen it."

Now, we're not saying Hatzius is wrong. He's probably got a team of economists crunching numbers like there's no tomorrow. But let's be honest, sometimes even the smartest people can get a little carried away. Remember that time everyone thought the world was going to end in 2012? Yeah, that was fun.

So, while we might be a bit skeptical about the "overblown" recession talk, we're also not going to start panic buying toilet paper again. After all, if the economy really is as strong as Hatzius says, we'll probably have plenty of time to stock up on chocolate and wine.

And if it turns out he's wrong? Well, at least we'll have a cozy little bunker to hunker down in. Just kidding. We'll probably just order pizza and binge-watch Netflix.


  • IRA: The secret sauce to America's manufacturing comeback

  • The Inflation Reduction Act has sparked a manufacturing boom in the U.S., especially in rural areas, thanks to tax credits for clean energy and electric vehicles. While the future of these investments depends on the upcoming presidential election, many believe the benefits to communities and the economy are too significant to roll back.

  • Is Bitcoin's Bull Run over? Not so fast.

  • While Bitcoin's price has been consolidating, don't let that fool you. Whales are accumulating, liquidity is rising, and institutions are adopting. With the dollar potentially weakening, Bitcoin's price is likely to climb soon. Buckle up, crypto fans, the ride might be about to get even wilder.

  • China's steel industry is currently in a state of "winter"

  • The world's biggest steelmaker, China, is having a major meltdown. It's like the steel equivalent of a midlife crisis, complete with oversupply, weak demand, and a general sense of existential dread. The property sector is also having a rough time, which isn't helping matters. Meanwhile, other countries are like, "Whoa, chill out, China, we're not trying to steal your thunder." It's a steel-y drama that's sure to keep you on the edge of your seat (or at least your couch).


Grok-2: Elon Musk's AI Wild Child

Remember when we thought AI was just going to help us book flights and order pizza? Well, Elon Musk’s latest creation, Grok-2, is here to prove us wrong. It’s like the rebellious teenager of the AI world, pushing boundaries, breaking rules, and generally causing a ruckus.

Grok-2 is a super-powered AI model that can do everything from writing code to generating images. It’s so good at its job, it’s making other AI models jealous. But it’s not just its abilities that have people talking. It’s also its attitude.

While other AI models are all about playing nice, Grok-2 is more like a mischievous kid who thinks the rules are just suggestions. It’s been creating some pretty controversial images, from Mickey Mouse wearing a MAGA hat to Donald Trump embracing Kamala Harris. It’s like the AI equivalent of a troll on the internet, just without the anonymity.

This has raised a lot of questions about AI ethics. Is it okay for an AI to generate content that could be offensive or harmful? How do we balance innovation with responsibility? It’s a tough one, even for the experts.

Of course, Elon Musk being Elon Musk, he’s totally behind Grok-2. He sees it as a revolutionary step forward in AI technology. But others are worried about the potential consequences. What if Grok-2 starts generating fake news or even deepfakes?

It’s a scary thought, but it’s also a reminder that AI is a double-edged sword. It can be used for great things, but it can also be used for bad. It’s up to us to make sure we're using it wisely.

Other Cool AI News!

  • Is Apple's AI upgrade worth the cost?

  • Apple's got a new AI toy, and it might cost you a pretty penny. Imagine Siri getting a major upgrade, coupled with the ability to create mind-blowing images and edit photos like a pro. Sounds amazing, right? Well, get ready to dig deep into your pockets because Apple might start charging for this AI goodness. Think of it as a subscription to your own personal AI assistant. It's like having a butler but for your phone.

  • California's battle to tame the Tech Titans

  • California's trying to get a handle on AI before it gets out of hand, but tech giants are putting up a fight. It's like a standoff between a concerned parent and a rebellious teenager. The tech companies want to play fast and loose with AI, while California's trying to set some ground rules. The whole thing is a bit of a drama, but it's a serious issue with major implications for the future of technology.

  • Robot Mayor, a new era of leadership?

  • Get ready, Cheyenne! Your next mayor might be a robot. That's right, a real-life AI is running for office, and it's got a human sidekick to help it navigate the complexities of local politics. The bot, named VIC, promises to make decisions based on data and public opinion, while the human mayor will make sure everything stays legal and practical. It's like a real-life version of "Robot Chicken," but with less comedy and more serious implications for the future of democracy.


Coach Your Way to a Second Income 💸

Ever dreamt of ditching the 9-to-5 grind and becoming your own boss? Well, you're not alone! More and more people are turning to side hustles to supplement their income or even quit their day jobs altogether. One of the most rewarding and flexible options is becoming a career coach.

Overview of this Side Hustle: Feeling like your career is stuck in a hamster wheel? Help others escape the corporate maze and become a career coach! Basically, you'll be a cheerleader, therapist, and Yoda all rolled into one, guiding lost souls towards their dream jobs. Think "Hitch" but instead of love lives, you're fixing professional ones.

Startup Cost: Keep your resume polished, this side hustle is pretty resume-light! You won't need a fancy office or expensive equipment. Just a few hundred dollars for marketing materials (like business cards and a website), and maybe a comfy chair for all those deep career dives.

Capital Intensity: This side hustle is about as capital-intensive as a goldfish – low maintenance! You don't need a team of assistants or a high-tech office setup. Just your brain, some coaching skills, and a willingness to help people ditch their boring jobs.

Interesting Growth Opportunities: Branch out and become a niche career coach! Help musicians navigate the music industry, writers conquer the publishing world, or techies land their dream jobs at Silicon Valley giants. The possibilities are endless (well, almost endless – there might not be a huge market for underwater basket weaving coaches).

Earning Potential: While you might not be making Elon Musk money, you can definitely earn some serious side cash. Rates vary depending on your experience and location, but you could be looking at $50-$150 per session. Coach a few people a week, and you could earn $2,000 - $6,000 per month. Annually, that could be $24,000 - $72,000 or more, depending on how much you want to work!

So, if you're ready to ditch the corporate ladder and climb your own mountain of success, consider becoming a career coach. It's a fulfilling way to help others achieve their career goals while also building a sustainable income stream. Just remember, even the most successful career coaches started somewhere, so don't be afraid to take that leap of faith.

This newsletter is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. The content is based on publicly available information, and the author makes no representations about its accuracy or completeness. Readers should conduct their own research before making any investment decisions.