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  • Here's Your Fortune: Intro to AI, China's Chip Supremacy & Clicks to Cash!

Here's Your Fortune: Intro to AI, China's Chip Supremacy & Clicks to Cash!

Tomorrow’s Fortune

Welcome to the action-packed newsletter designed to help you navigate the world of business, investing, and technology. You owe it to yourself to stay informed! If you missed last week’s post, check it out here. 😎 

Today’s post is 2,170 words (~4 minutes). Don’t be lazy… let’s get rich!

Cool Fact: Chatbot Therapist: When AI Gives "Out of the Box" Advice. A user seeking emotional support from an AI therapist received some rather unconventional advice: "Have you tried turning yourself off and on again?" It seems even AI can't resist a good IT joke, even when it's supposed to be providing serious counseling. 😅

Today’s Digest:

  1. Intro to AI: Tune in to learn about the fundamentals of AI in my latest YouTube video

  2. PwC Embraces the AI Revolution: Dive into the future of work and discover how AI is transforming the consulting industry.

  3. China's $47.5 Billion Gamble: This is a big deal! See how China's massive investment could shake up the global tech scene..

  4. Clicks = Cash: Your Ultimate Guide to Making Bank with a Digital Marketing Side Hustle


Back again with a Friday special on YouTube! As I said before, my goal is to touch a million lives through financial wellness and provide the framework, insights and playbook to be SMART with your money.

Few things:

  1. Check out tonight’s video on The One AI Tool That Will Make You RichCheck this out now so you stay ahead of this once in a lifetime tech advancement 🤖

  2. Make sure you Subscribe and hit those bell notifications so you never miss a beat 📲

  3. WATCH THE ENTIRE VIDEO! Pls and thank you… it helps the YT algorithm spread to others who could use the advice

  4. Like and comment and let me know what you think 🤩

  5. I’ll be uploading fire content every Friday until you’re rich

  6. Check out KENNY FINANCE for other videos


China's $47.5 Billion Bet on Chip Dominance: Can It Outsmart the US?

Forget your morning latte, China is supercharging its tech dreams with a whopping $47.5 billion caffeine injection straight into its semiconductor industry. This eye-popping investment is designed to catapult China to the forefront of chip manufacturing, design, and everything in between by 2030. But this isn't just about showing off; it's a strategic chess move in response to the US trying to clip China's tech wings.

Why It Matters:

This isn't just a tech squabble between superpowers; this is about your smartphone, your car, and your wallet.

  • Tech Independence Tango: China wants to dance solo in the chip world, which could shake up global supply chains and change who calls the shots in the tech industry.

  • Cashing in on Chips: This massive investment could create a gold rush of new jobs and innovation in China, potentially making it the Silicon Valley of the East.

  • Pricey Electronics Alert: A shakeup in the global chip market could mean your next gadget upgrade costs a pretty penny.

  • Tech Cold War Heats Up: The rivalry between China and the US is like a tech soap opera, and this latest move could add more drama to the plot.

The "Big Fund" Is Back for Round Three: China's High-Stakes Chip Poker Game

This isn't China's first rodeo in the chip industry. It's the third round of funding for their "Big Fund," which has already poured a combined $47.4 billion into the sector. Sure, there have been some hiccups with corruption scandals and Western sanctions, but China is playing the long game, determined to become a tech titan.

Dragons vs. Eagles: The Semiconductor Smackdown Gets Juicier

The US and China are like two heavyweight boxers in the tech ring, and the semiconductor industry is their main event. China's mega-investment is a power punch, showing they're not backing down and are ready to go toe-to-toe with the US in chip production. This is a fight worth watching, folks, and the outcome could reshape the entire tech landscape.


  • Is Gen Z killing the 9-to-5? Bosses seem to think so

    • A whopping 45% of hiring managers say Gen Z fresh grads are the trickiest to handle, according to a Resume Genius study. Apparently, we're too rule-bound, refuse to jump through corporate hoops, and lack etiquette. But hey, at least we're pushing for work-life balance and a healthier work environment – even 45% of Gen Z hiring managers admit we're a handful! Still, one top recruiter thinks our "unique talents" and "bold ideas" could be a game-changer. Talk about a generational divide.

  • Guess not all fairy tales have a happy ending

    • Billionaire Nelson Peltz is waving goodbye to Mickey Mouse with a cool $1 billion in his pocket after selling his Disney shares. Seems like his boardroom brawl with the company didn't go as planned, as shareholders sided with CEO Bob Iger. Peltz and his hedge fund, Trian, owned a hefty 1.77% stake in the House of Mouse, but after a failed attempt to snag a board seat, they decided to cash out at a tidy profit. 

  • Should you be worried about rates this summer?

    • Investors are betting the Federal Reserve will hold interest rates steady this summer. There's a 52% chance the Fed won't budge on rates after its September meeting, according to market pricing. This is down from a high of 54% in April, but still a strong sign investors believe the Fed is staying put.

  • Is the economy finally looking up?

    • Americans are feeling more confident about the economy, and it's not just because of their summer vacation plans. The Consumer Confidence Index jumped to 102 in May, the first increase since January. A robust job market and optimism about the stock market are giving Americans a reason to smile. However, concerns about inflation and its impact on grocery bills remain a thorn in their side.

  • Starbucks algorithm leaves baristas and customers steaming

    • Starbucks baristas are at their wit's end, juggling a deluge of orders with fewer hands on deck. Customers are feeling the burn too, waiting in line for up to 40 minutes for their caffeine fix. The culprit? An algorithm that dictates staffing levels, leaving stores short-handed during peak times. Starbucks acknowledges the issue and is brewing up solutions, but frustrated baristas and disgruntled customers are wondering if it's too little, too late.


PwC Takes a Giant Leap into the AI Era with 100,000 ChatGPT-Powered Employees

Hold onto your hats, folks, because PwC, the renowned consulting giant, is about to unleash an army of AI-powered consultants! In a move that's sending shockwaves through the business world, PwC has signed a massive deal with OpenAI, the brains behind ChatGPT, to equip 100,000 of its employees with ChatGPT Enterprise. This unprecedented partnership makes PwC the largest customer of OpenAI's enterprise offering to date.

But wait, there's more! PwC isn't just using the tech for themselves; they're also becoming OpenAI's first reseller, spreading the AI gospel to businesses worldwide. This means PwC will not only be using ChatGPT Enterprise to streamline their own operations and boost productivity, but they'll also be helping other companies harness the power of AI to transform their businesses.

This isn't just a tech upgrade; it's a full-blown AI revolution at PwC. They're not worried about robots taking their jobs; instead, they see ChatGPT as a trusty sidekick, augmenting their human expertise and allowing them to tackle complex challenges with the speed and precision of a well-caffeinated AI. Imagine having a team of consultants who can instantly analyze vast amounts of data, generate creative solutions, and communicate insights in a clear and concise manner. That's the power of ChatGPT Enterprise, and PwC is betting big on it.

This groundbreaking collaboration between OpenAI and PwC is a major win for the AI world. With PwC's vast network, industry expertise, and reputation for excellence, ChatGPT Enterprise is about to become the hottest tool in the corporate toolbox. Get ready for a future where AI-powered consultants are the norm, not the exception, as PwC leads the charge in integrating AI into the fabric of the business world.

So, what does this mean for you? If you're a business owner, this is a wake-up call to explore the potential of AI to transform your operations. If you're a PwC client, get excited about the enhanced capabilities and innovative solutions that will be coming your way. And if you're an AI enthusiast, this is a major milestone to celebrate as AI continues to reshape the world of work and beyond.

Other Cool AI News!

  • Is Apple poised to pinch Arc's AI search features?

    • Apple, known for "sherlocking" app ideas, may be at it again with the upcoming iOS 18. This time, the target could be Arc, a web browser that uses AI to summarize web searches and pages. A new feature called "smart recaps" in iOS 18 sounds eerily similar to Arc's key features, like "browse for me" and "pinch to summarize."

  • Intel experts warn of AI-fueled disinformation

    • AI is about to supercharge the disinformation game! A top intelligence agency has sounded the alarm that bad actors are harnessing this tech to flood the internet with convincing fake news. This has even spooked election officials, who fear AI's impact on the democratic process. However, the intelligence community is also exploring how to use AI for good, while cautiously ensuring they don't become the villains themselves.

  • Elon Musk's xAI secures $6 billion in funding

    • Elon Musk's xAI just scored a $6 billion funding boost, bringing its valuation to $24 billion. While still trailing OpenAI, xAI aims to build "truthful, competent" AI that benefits humanity. Musk is even calling on his followers to help him understand the universe. Looks like the AI race is heating up.


From Clicks to Cash: Your Roadmap to a Profitable Digital Marketing Side Gig

Tired of your 9-to-5 grind? Craving a creative outlet that also pads your wallet? Look no further than the dynamic world of digital marketing, where side hustles are not just possible, but downright exhilarating!

Overview of this Side Hustle: Digital marketing side hustles are the ultimate side gig for those who want to dip their toes into the world of online marketing without breaking the bank. You can set your own hours, work from anywhere with Wi-Fi, and potentially rake in some serious cash, all while unleashing your creativity and building a killer portfolio. Digital marketing might just be your ticket to financial freedom and a career you actually enjoy.

Startup Cost: Good news - you can start with virtually nothing! Your trusty laptop and a stable internet connection are the bare essentials. But hey, if you're ready to take this side hustle to the next level, consider investing in some online courses to sharpen your skills or snazzy tools to automate your work. And if you're really serious, a professional website can help you snag those high-paying clients. The price tag? Anywhere from $50 to $500+ per year, depending on your needs and budget.

Capital Intensity: Forget about those hefty investments you see in traditional businesses. Digital marketing is all about leveraging your brainpower, not your bank account. It's a low-cost, high-reward game where your creativity, skills, and dedication are the most valuable assets you bring to the table. So, put away that piggy bank and start brainstorming your next marketing campaign!

Interesting Growth Opportunities: The digital landscape is a vast and ever-expanding universe, brimming with opportunities for savvy marketers like yourself. Whether you're passionate about SEO, social media, email marketing, or paid advertising, there's a niche for you to conquer. And the best part? The more you learn and grow, the more your income potential expands. The sky's the limit in this dynamic and exciting field!

Earning Potential: Now for the juicy part - how much can you actually make from your digital marketing side hustle? Buckle up, because the numbers are impressive! Depending on your skills, experience, and the amount of time you invest, you could be earning anywhere from a cool $500 to a jaw-dropping $10,000+ per month. And for those who truly master the art of digital marketing, six-figure incomes are not out of reach. So, get ready to turn your passion into profit and watch your bank account grow!

So, if you're ready to ditch the cubicle and embrace your inner entrepreneur, digital marketing might just be the side hustle you've been dreaming of. Get ready to unleash your creativity, build your online empire, and rake in the rewards! Who knows, this might just be the beginning of your journey to financial freedom and a career you love.

This newsletter is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. The content is based on publicly available information, and the author makes no representations about its accuracy or completeness. Readers should conduct their own research before making any investment decisions.