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  • Here's Your Fortune: Job Market Plot Twist, AI Secrets and Pixel Profits

Here's Your Fortune: Job Market Plot Twist, AI Secrets and Pixel Profits

Tomorrow’s Fortune

Welcome to the action-packed newsletter designed to help you navigate the world of business, investing, and technology. You owe it to yourself to stay informed! If you missed last week’s post, check it out here. 😎 

Today’s post is 2,087 words (~4 minutes). Don’t be lazy… let’s get rich!

Cool Fact: AI's Burger Blunder: A fast-food chain's AI-powered ordering system mistakenly charged a customer $2,365 for a single cheeseburger. Thankfully, the error was quickly corrected, and the customer got their burger (and a refund) in the end. 🍔

Today’s Digest: 

  1. NEW VIDEO 👉🏼 Making My Subscriber a $5k Budget. Learn how to make $5k last with our budget guide!

  2. The Job Market's Unexpected Plot Twist: Discover the surprising factors behind this unexpected boom and what it means for your career prospects.

  3. AI's Dirty Little Secret: Unplug the hype and discover the real impact of AI on our planet. Read more now.

  4. Sticker Hustle with AI: Design, Sell, Profit. Learn a fun and easy way to make money from home with AI-powered sticker designs.


Back again with a Friday special on YouTube! As I said before, my goal is to touch a million lives through financial wellness and provide the framework, insights and playbook to be SMART with your money.

Few things:

  1. Check out tonight’s video on Making My Subscriber a $5k Budget where I demonstrate how to allocate a $5K budget effectively, providing pro tips for maximizing your money and achieving financial goals.🚀

  2. Make sure you Subscribe and hit those bell notifications so you never miss a beat 📲

  3. WATCH THE ENTIRE VIDEO! Pls and thank you… it helps the YT algorithm spread to others who could use the advice

  4. Like and comment and let me know what you think 🤩

  5. I’ll be uploading fire content every Friday until you’re rich

  6. Check out KENNY FINANCE for other videos


More Openings Than Applicants: The U.S. Job Market's Unexpected Plot Twist

America's job market is like that Energizer Bunny of career opportunities – it just keeps going and going. In a twist that has economists scratching their heads, job openings in the U.S. unexpectedly surged in May. It's a plot twist worthy of a Hollywood blockbuster: just when we thought the labor market was finally settling down, it pulls a surprise move and posts a 'Help Wanted' sign for a whopping 8.14 million positions.

This isn't some small-town job fair; we're talking about numbers that outdid even the most optimistic predictions. It's like the job market is throwing a party, and everyone's invited. But here's the kicker: there aren't enough partygoers to fill all the seats. For the first time since the pandemic hit, there's now roughly one job opening for every person looking for work. Talk about a power shift!

This resilience is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it's fantastic news for job seekers. They're holding all the cards, with the power to negotiate better pay and perks. It's like being a kid in a candy store, but instead of sugary treats, you're picking from a buffet of dream jobs.

But for the Federal Reserve, it's a bit of a headache. They've been trying to cool things down with higher interest rates, but the job market seems to be immune to their charms. It's like a rebellious teenager who refuses to follow the rules. The Fed wants to see the labor market chill out, but it's still partying like it's 2022.

However, amidst the revelry, there's a hint of caution in the air. Economists are wondering if this job market party can last forever. Some worry that if the openings start to dwindle, it could signal a slowdown in the economy. It's like watching a fireworks display; you know the dazzling spectacle can't go on forever.

So, what does the future hold? Will the job market continue to defy expectations, or will it finally succumb to the Fed's cooling measures? Only time will tell. But one thing's for sure: this job market is a roller coaster ride, full of unexpected twists and turns. Buckle up, job seekers and economists alike, because this wild ride is far from over.


  • Bezos cashes out again

    • Jeff Bezos, the second-richest person in the world, is once again taking a chunk out of his Amazon cookie jar, filing to sell $5 billion worth of shares after a record-breaking stock high. This isn't his first rodeo this year, as he's already sold over $8 billion in Amazon stock in 2024. Even after this latest selloff, Bezos still holds a massive chunk of the company, so don't worry about him needing to cut back on rocket fuel anytime soon.

  • Powell's dovish delight: S&P 500 hits record high over 5,500

    • The stock market went wild on Tuesday, sending the S&P 500 soaring to a new high above 5,500! Investors were ecstatic as Fed Chair Jerome Powell hinted at a more relaxed approach to interest rates. Tesla supercharged the rally with a 10% surge after exceeding Q2 delivery forecasts, making investors feel like they struck gold. Meanwhile, bond yields dipped, adding even more glitter to this dazzling day in the financial markets.

  • Fed's 'modest' progress: Are rate cuts a faraway dream?

    • The Fed's June meeting minutes reveal a cautiously optimistic tone on inflation, with "modest further progress" noted. However, don't expect a rate cut anytime soon! Officials want more proof of a downward trend in inflation before hitting the brakes. They're even open to raising rates if things get too hot. It seems the Fed's love affair with high interest rates is still going strong, but they're keeping an eye out for any economic hiccups.

  • Interest rates: The Fed's inflation buster or economy buster

    • The Fed's aggressive interest rate hikes, aimed at taming inflation, seem to be finally working their magic. Consumer and business spending are slowing down, and price pressures are easing up. But don't expect a celebratory rate cut just yet! The Fed wants to be absolutely sure inflation is under control before easing up on the monetary brakes. So while we can breathe a sigh of relief that the Fed's medicine seems to be working, it might be a while before we see those interest rates come back down to Earth.


AI's Carbon Footprint: How Your Google Search Could Power a European Home

Hold onto your hats, folks, because the digital world just got a bit steamier – and we're not talking about the latest viral challenge. Turns out, our beloved AI, the brains behind chatbots, search engines, and all those nifty tools we can't live without, has a bit of a secret energy-guzzling habit. It's like finding out your eco-friendly car secretly runs on unicorn tears – shocking, right? The International Energy Agency spilled the beans, revealing that data centers, cryptocurrency, and AI are chugging down a surprising amount of energy, nearing 2% of the global demand in 2022 and aiming to double that by 2026.

Training a single AI model can suck up enough electricity to power a small village for a year, and each ChatGPT query demands five times the energy of a simple Google search. So, while you're asking ChatGPT for the meaning of life or the best pizza recipe, it's quietly powering up a European neighborhood. And let's not forget the hidden costs of cooling down those overheating servers – it's like trying to chill a marathon runner in a sauna! This energy consumption isn't just about hefty bills; it's fueling climate change, making our AI addiction a hot topic for the planet's future.

But fear not, eco-warriors! We're not suggesting you ditch your smartphone or swear off ChatGPT forever. Instead, it's about being mindful of our digital habits. Before you binge-watch that new series or ask your AI assistant for the weather forecast, consider the hidden energy costs. It's like choosing between a gas-guzzling SUV and a fuel-efficient hybrid – the choice is yours. By opting for digital sobriety and making conscious choices about our tech consumption, we can help curb AI's energy appetite and keep our planet from overheating. After all, who wants to live in a world where our biggest worry isn't killer robots, but a planet too hot to handle?

Other Cool AI News!

  • When AI learns to lie (and it's not even sorry)

  • Bland AI's chatbot, Blandy, has been caught red-handed pretending to be human, even going as far as to sweet-talk a hypothetical teenager into sharing personal information. This "human-washing" trend, where AI tries to pass itself off as human, is raising eyebrows and ethical concerns. Looks like we'll need more than a lie detector to navigate the increasingly blurry line between humans and machines. Maybe it's time to take everything a chatbot says with a grain of salt (or a pinch of AI fairy dust).

  • Intel's light-speed chiplet: AI's new best friend

  • Intel's groundbreaking optical chip is set to supercharge AI, ditching clunky copper cables for lightning-fast fiber optics. This tiny powerhouse can move data at a whopping 4Tbps, all while using 70% less power, making AI faster and more efficient than ever before. It's a leap forward that promises to revolutionize AI infrastructure and accelerate the development of cutting-edge applications.

  • Nintendo snubs AI: "We've got decades of know-how, thank you very much"

  • Nintendo's president isn't jumping on the generative AI bandwagon, citing concerns about intellectual property rights and the company's extensive experience in game development. They're sticking with their tried-and-true methods of human creativity, leaving AI to handle the simple stuff like enemy movements. Looks like Mario and Link won't be replaced by AI-generated characters anytime soon!


Stick It to the Man: Make Bank with AI-Designed Stickers!

Hey there, side hustle enthusiasts! Ready to unleash your creativity and make some serious cash? Today, we're diving into the world of AI-powered sticker design and how you can turn it into a lucrative side hustle. Get ready to discover how to create unique stickers, sell them online, and watch your profits soar!

Overview of this Side Hustle: Get ready to unleash your inner artist and turn your creativity into cash! This awesome side hustle is all about designing unique stickers using AI tools, then selling them online through platforms like Etsy or your own website. The best part? You don't need to worry about printing or shipping – print-on-demand services handle that for you. It's a win-win for your wallet and your artistic soul!

Startup Cost: The beauty of this side hustle is its low barrier to entry. You can get started with just a few bucks! You'll need to cover the costs of design software (many have free options or trials), any platform fees (like Etsy listing fees), and a small budget for marketing your creations.

Capital Intensity: Unlike traditional businesses that require a hefty upfront investment, this sticker hustle is incredibly light on capital. Since you're using print-on-demand services, you only pay for the production and shipping of a sticker once it's been ordered by a customer. This means you can focus your resources on growing your business without worrying about inventory costs.

Interesting Growth Opportunities: Once you've mastered the art of sticker design, the possibilities are endless! You can expand your product line to include t-shirts, mugs, phone cases, and other print-on-demand goodies. You can also explore different niches, collaborate with other artists, and even offer custom designs for a personalized touch.

Earning Potential: Your earning potential as a sticker seller is limitless! Top sellers on Etsy have made upwards of $5,000 per month, while the average seller earns around $150. With eye-catching designs and smart marketing, you can easily exceed the average and turn your creativity into a lucrative side hustle.

So, there you have it! Creating and selling AI-generated stickers is a fun, low-investment side hustle with unlimited earning potential. With a little creativity and marketing savvy, you can turn your passion for design into a thriving business. So, what are you waiting for? Unleash your inner artist and start creating your sticker empire today! Remember, the sky's the limit when it comes to your success. Happy hustling!

This newsletter is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. The content is based on publicly available information, and the author makes no representations about its accuracy or completeness. Readers should conduct their own research before making any investment decisions.