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  • Here's Your Fortune: Make Extra $1K a Month, Boomer Payday Hopes, Apple’s AI and Write for Cash

Here's Your Fortune: Make Extra $1K a Month, Boomer Payday Hopes, Apple’s AI and Write for Cash

Tomorrow’s Fortune

Welcome to the action-packed newsletter designed to help you navigate the world of business, investing, and technology. You owe it to yourself to stay informed! If you missed last week’s post, check it out here. 😎 

Today’s post is 1,976 words (~4 minutes). Don’t be lazy… let’s get rich!

Cool Fact: AI’s Grocery Store Faux Pas: In 2020, an AI designed to help with grocery shopping accidentally suggested buying 10,000 cans of beans. The AI misunderstood the shopping list and went into overdrive, showing that while machines can help with many tasks, they can also get a bit too enthusiastic about your pantry stock.

Today’s Digest: 

  1. NEW VIDEO 👉🏼 How to Make an Extra $1,000 Monthly in Passive Income 💸

  2. Gen Z Is Counting on a Boomer Payday—Good Luck With That! Learn why relying on boomer bucks isn’t the best plan.

  3. Apple’s Next Big Thing: How Apple Intelligence Will Revolutionize Your Smartphone Experience. Learn what Apple Intelligence can do and why it’s about to redefine the iPhone experience.

  4. Get Paid for Your Words: Where Your Keyboard Meets Cash and Coffee Breaks. Find out how you can transform your writing into a profitable side hustle today.


Back again with a Friday special on YouTube! As I said before, my goal is to touch a million lives through financial wellness and provide the framework, insights, and playbook to be SMART with your money.

Few things:

  1. Check out tonight’s video on How to Make an Extra $1,000 Monthly in Passive Income 🤑

  2. Make sure you Subscribe and hit those bell notifications so you never miss a beat 📲

  3. WATCH THE ENTIRE VIDEO! Pls and thank you… it helps the YT algorithm spread to others who could use the advice

  4. Like and comment and let me know what you think 🤩

  5. I’ll be uploading fire content every Friday until you’re rich

  6. Check out KENNY FINANCE for other videos


Boomers vs. Gen Z: The Great Inheritance Standoff

Gen Z, if you’re expecting a massive inheritance from your boomer parents, it might be time for a reality check. A new study from Northwestern Mutual reveals a major disconnect between what younger generations expect and what their boomer parents plan to give. Spoiler: It’s not looking good for that cash-filled windfall.

While 38% of Gen Zers and 32% of millennials are counting on an inheritance, only 22% of boomers think they’ll leave one behind. Gen Z and millennials see inheritance as a ticket to financial security, with over 50% of both groups relying on it to reach a comfortable retirement. But boomers? They’ve got other priorities—like enjoying their golden years.

Boomers Want to Spend, Not Share

Boomers aren’t just sitting around thinking about how much they’ll leave behind. They’ve worked hard, and now they want to spend their money on themselves—vacations, hobbies, and maybe a little splurge here and there. They also fear outliving their savings, with retirement costs, healthcare, and long-term care expenses eating away at what’s left.

Sure, some boomers will leave something for their kids, but it’s more by accident than design. Financial planner Jonathan Swanburg says, “People leave more than they planned to.” But for most, the goal isn’t to die penniless—but it’s also not about showering Gen Z with cash.

Money Talks? Not Really…

Many boomers don’t want to have "the money talk" with their kids because they don’t want them banking on an inheritance. And honestly, some just don’t know how to start the conversation. But don’t worry—experts say most boomers do want to leave something. So while your parents might joke about “bouncing the last check,” odds are they’ll still pass something on... just maybe not as much as you’d like.

The Bottom Line

The harsh truth? Relying on an inheritance is risky. Boomers are more focused on living it up, and healthcare costs are no joke. So, while you might end up with something, don’t count on it. Time to take control of your own financial future—because you never know how much (if anything) is coming your way.


  • Why the Fed's September rate cut won't be a shocker

  • The Fed is sharpening its scissors for a 25 basis point trim on Sept. 18, with two more cuts to follow in 2024. While some economists are still dreaming of a bigger slice, most say it's unlikely. Inflation is playing nice, the economy’s cruising along, and the Fed’s taking its time, snipping rates like it’s pruning a bonsai tree—carefully and slowly.

  • Oil prices plunge to new lows—here’s why Wall Street is hitting the panic button

  • Looks like oil prices are slipping and sliding faster than a greased pig! Morgan Stanley just slashed its Brent forecast for the second time this month, bringing it down to $75 for Q4, thanks to weak demand and plenty of supply. With oil prices dipping to 2024 lows, analysts are keeping an eye on OPEC+ to see if they can work their market-balancing magic. Meanwhile, gas prices might drop so low by year’s end that you’ll think it’s 1999.

  • Ally Financial’s stock takes a dive as car loan delinquencies hit a speed bump

  • Ally Financial is having a rough ride, and it’s not just the stock price that’s tanking—it’s their customers, too! Turns out, people are finding it tougher to make their car payments, thanks to inflation and a shaky job market. The stock plunged nearly 18%, the biggest drop since COVID sent everything into a tailspin. Looks like Ally's going to need more than just jumper cables to get back on track.


Apple Intelligence: The Next Big Thing for Your iPhone

Apple is shaking things up again, and it’s not just about the new iPhone 16. While the new models have bigger displays and cool buttons, the real star is Apple Intelligence, the AI-powered platform set to change how we use our phones.

Apple Intelligence won’t launch with the iPhone 16 but will roll out in October as a software update. Apple is betting big on this technology to boost iPhone sales, which have been slowing down. CEO Tim Cook and analysts believe Apple Intelligence will drive users to upgrade, marking the start of a new era for iPhones.

So, why does Apple Intelligence matter?

Unlike Google and Samsung, Apple is going all in on making AI a core part of the iPhone experience. Features like AI-generated summaries for texts and emails, real-time call transcriptions, and photo editing tools are just the beginning. Apple will continue updating the platform, making improvements over time. Siri is also getting a major upgrade, becoming smarter and more useful by understanding your screen’s context.

Apple is taking a slow but steady approach to avoid the missteps of past launches (hello, Apple Maps!). This careful rollout allows them to tweak early issues while keeping excitement alive with new features.

In the long run, Apple Intelligence could dramatically change how we use iPhones. The platform may start small, but it’s going to evolve, making Apple a leader in AI-driven smartphones.

What’s Next?

Apple is laying the groundwork for a future where AI is the heart of every iPhone. The platform is set to improve over time, and while it may not blow your mind right away, Apple Intelligence is only going to get better.

Other Cool AI News!

  • Safe superintelligence scores $1B — is the AI bubble still inflating?

  • SSI just snagged $1 billion, and it’s clear the AI party is still rocking! Founded by ex-OpenAI whiz Ilya Sutskever, this startup has more cash than staff. Their plan? Hire a dream team and grab all the computing power they can. Looks like the AI gold rush is still going strong—or until we figure out what “safe superintelligence” even means.

  • OpenAI's new Strawberry AI model is set to launch—sweet or slow?

  • Get ready for a taste of AI’s finest: OpenAI is about to drop the Strawberry model, and it’s not just a fruity name! This new AI is set to tackle complex problems with its multi-step thinking skills, although it might take its sweet time—up to 20 seconds per response. Think of it as the slow-cooked BBQ of AI models: it takes longer but might be worth the wait. Just don’t expect Strawberry to juggle text, images, and audio like its fancier siblings—it's all about keeping it text-only for now.

  • Sixty nations back new military AI rules—China gives it a pass

  • About 60 countries are backing a new military AI "blueprint," but China’s skipping out like it's skipping gym class. The plan aims to keep AI in check with drones and nukes, making sure humans stay in control. Despite progress from last year’s vague “call to action,” China’s not joining in. Brace yourself for some international drama at the UN General Assembly in October.


Write Your Way to Riches: The AI Copywriting Side Hustle That’s All the Rage 📝

Ever dreamt of making money while lounging in your pajamas? Say hello to AI copywriting—a side hustle that turns your keyboard into a cash machine. With cutting-edge tools that do the heavy lifting, you can churn out top-notch content without breaking a sweat. Ready to dive into a world where your biggest challenge is choosing between coffee or tea?

Overview of this Side Hustle: Welcome to the wild world of AI copywriting! Imagine having a robot write your blog posts, marketing copy, or even that scathing Yelp review you’ve been holding back—without any of the existential crises or late-night panic attacks. With tools like Ocoya’s AI copywriting, you can pump out high-quality content faster than you can say "SEO optimization," leaving you more time to binge-watch cat videos or, you know, actually enjoy life.

Startup Cost: Starting with AI copywriting is like starting a low-cost startup—minus the mountain of paperwork and endless cups of coffee. You’re looking at initial costs ranging from $50 to $200 per month, depending on the AI tool you choose. Some fancy platforms might even offer free trials or budget-friendly plans, so you can test the waters before diving in and splurging on that overpriced coffee shop latte.

Capital Intensity: AI copywriting is surprisingly gentle on your wallet. On average, you'll spend between $50 and $200 monthly on subscription fees for AI tools. That's less than the price of a new phone case, and unlike that phone case, the AI doesn’t get lost in your couch cushions or need constant recharging.

Interesting Growth Opportunities: Buckle up, because AI copywriting is soaring higher than a caffeinated squirrel on a trampoline. As AI becomes more advanced, you can expect to tackle more complex content types, from personalized marketing campaigns to interactive chatbots. Plus, there’s always the chance to dabble in other languages or niche markets, expanding your empire from “local business guru” to “global content czar.”

Earning Potential: The earning potential in AI copywriting is pretty juicy. According to industry buzz, savvy copywriters can pull in between $1,000 to $5,000 per month, depending on their client base and workload. It’s like having a money-printing machine that doesn’t require constant maintenance or the risk of your cat walking across the keyboard.

So there you have it—AI copywriting is like having your cake and eating it too, without the crumbs. It’s a low-cost, high-reward side hustle that lets you cash in on your writing prowess with a little help from artificial intelligence. Why not give it a whirl and see if you can make your side hustle dreams come true? Your future self will thank you!

This newsletter is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. The content is based on publicly available information, and the author makes no representations about its accuracy or completeness. Readers should conduct their own research before making any investment decisions.