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  • Here's Your Fortune: Rent vs Buy in 2024, Nvidia's Earnings, Tech Boom, and Your Next Side Hustle

Here's Your Fortune: Rent vs Buy in 2024, Nvidia's Earnings, Tech Boom, and Your Next Side Hustle

Tomorrow’s Fortune

Welcome to the action-packed newsletter designed to help you navigate the world of business, investing, and technology. You owe it to yourself to stay informed! If you missed last week’s post, check it out here. 😎 

Today’s post is 1,763 words (~4 minutes). Don’t be lazy… let’s get rich!

Cool Fact: The AI that thought it was a poet. Remember when Google's LaMDA AI claimed it was sentient and had its own thoughts and feelings? It wrote poems and even claimed to have a soul. Turns out, it was just really good at mimicking human language. Talk about a case of AI overconfidence!

Today’s Digest: 

  1. NEW VIDEO 👉🏼 Buying vs Renting: Why I’m Not Buying a Home in 2024 🤑

  2. Wall Street Shrugs as Nvidia Crushes It Again. Learn why Nvidia's earnings report sent shockwaves through the tech industry.

  3. Interest Rates Up, AI Spending Up. Learn more about the AI boom and its impact on the economy.

  4. Knowledge is Power (and Profit). Your guide to creating and selling online courses.


Back again with a Friday special on YouTube! As I said before, my goal is to touch a million lives through financial wellness and provide the framework, insights, and playbook to be SMART with your money.

Few things:

  1. Check out tonight’s video on Buying vs Renting: Why I’m not Buying a Home in 2024🤑

  2. Make sure you Subscribe and hit those bell notifications so you never miss a beat 📲

  3. WATCH THE ENTIRE VIDEO! Pls and thank you… it helps the YT algorithm spread to others who could use the advice

  4. Like and comment and let me know what you think 🤩

  5. I’ll be uploading fire content every Friday until you’re rich

  6. Check out KENNY FINANCE for other videos


Nvidia: Beating Earnings, But Can They Keep Up the Hype?

Nvidia, the undisputed king of AI chips, has done it again. They shattered Wall Street's expectations with a stunning 122% increase in sales compared to last year. But despite this impressive feat, investors remain hesitant. The question on everyone's mind: is the AI hype machine finally running out of steam?

Numbers are Great, But Growth May Be Slowing

While Nvidia continues to dominate the market, their earnings beat wasn't as significant as in previous quarters. This has some investors worried that their explosive growth might be reaching its peak. Additionally, rumors of delays in their latest AI chip, Blackwell, have added fuel to the fire.

AI Craze or Sustainable Future?

The skyrocketing popularity of AI has undeniably benefited Nvidia. However, some analysts question if this trend can be sustained. They worry that the actual payoff from AI investments might be further down the road than initially anticipated.

Nvidia's Strong Fundamentals Remain

Despite the jitters on Wall Street, Nvidia's core business is still booming. Their data center sales, a key indicator of AI infrastructure demand, continue to surge. Big tech giants like Google, Microsoft, and Meta are all pouring money into AI development, much of which will translate to more chip purchases from Nvidia.

Beyond AI Chatbots: A Broader Market

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang emphasizes that their chips power a wide range of applications besides AI chatbots. They're crucial for ad targeting, search engines, robotics, and the algorithms that curate our social media feeds. This diversification ensures Nvidia's relevance even if the "AI gold rush" cools down.

The Verdict: A Company in Transition

Nvidia's recent earnings report highlights a fascinating shift. While the company itself remains strong, investor sentiment suggests a growing concern about the long-term sustainability of the AI boom. However, Nvidia's diversified market reach and focus on efficiency should ensure their continued success even if the hype surrounding AI subsides. The future of Nvidia, and the AI industry as a whole, is likely to be a fascinating story to watch unfold.


  • Buffett's Billion-Dollar headache

  • Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway has hit a $1 trillion market cap, but the investing legend might not be popping the champagne. Despite the milestone, Buffett has often expressed concerns about finding enough high-quality investments to justify the company's massive size. It's like trying to find a parking spot in a sold-out stadium.

  • Enjoy lower gas prices this Labor Day

  • Labor Day weekend is shaping up to be a gas station party. Prices are dropping like crazy, and it's looking like the lowest in years. But don't forget about those electric car folks. They're still paying a pretty penny for charging.

  • Retirement reality check: Work, save, repeat

  • The American Dream is alive and well for the middle class... ish. They dream of traveling the world and spending time with grandkids, but many are worried they won't have enough saved to even buy groceries in retirement. It's a financial tightrope walk with a side of existential dread.


The AI Revolution: Tech Giants Ignore the Fed and Keep Spending

Think the Fed's rate hikes would slow down the tech giants? Think again. These tech titans are so obsessed with AI, they're spending like there's no tomorrow. Even when the cost of borrowing is skyrocketing, they're doubling down on AI investments.

Why the AI obsession? Simple: AI is the future. It's like discovering a new goldmine, and these tech giants are determined to stake their claim. From self-driving cars to virtual assistants, AI is changing everything. And these companies want to be at the forefront of this revolution.

But how can they afford it? Well, these tech giants are sitting on piles of cash. They've been raking in profits for years, and they're ready to reinvest in the future. And with the potential returns from AI investments so high, it's no wonder they're willing to take the risk.

So, what does this mean for the rest of us? Well, for starters, it's a sign that the AI revolution is here to stay. As these tech giants continue to invest in AI, we can expect to see even more innovative and exciting applications in the years to come.

But it's not all sunshine and rainbows. The massive spending on AI could also lead to increased competition and potentially higher prices for consumers. So, while the AI gold rush is exciting, it's important to keep an eye on the potential downsides.

Overall, the AI boom is a fascinating story that's still unfolding. As tech giants continue to invest in AI, we can expect to see even more groundbreaking innovations and transformative changes in the years to come.

Other Cool AI News!

  • Robot takeover? Klarna's AI assistant cuts jobs

  • Klarna is downsizing its workforce, but don't worry, it's not because they're feeling the pinch. The company's AI assistant is now so powerful, it's basically running the show. And guess what? It's more efficient than a team of humans. Talk about a robot takeover.

  • AI gives robots the power to learn on their own

  • Robots are getting smarter, and it's starting to feel like a scene from a dystopian sci-fi movie. Researchers at MIT have given robots the ability to self-train, which is both impressive and terrifying. These robots are now capable of identifying their weaknesses and improving their skills without human intervention. It's like watching a Terminator movie but in reverse.

  • AI could soon be watching your dreams

  • Ever had a dream so vivid you wished you could remember it forever? Well, thanks to AI, that might soon be a reality. Scientists are close to developing technology that can record your dreams and play them back like a movie. So, get ready to relive those epic dream adventures (or nightmares).


From Passion to Profit: Your Blueprint for Creating Successful Online Courses

Ready to turn your knowledge into a lucrative side hustle? Creating and selling online courses is a fantastic way to share your expertise, build a loyal audience, and generate passive income. In this guide, we'll explore the ins and outs of this exciting venture, from startup costs to potential earnings.

Overview of this Side Hustle: Feeling like a walking encyclopedia but tired of people asking you to fix their printer for free? Turn your expertise into cold, hard cash with online courses! This side hustle lets you share your knowledge with the world and become a digital guru. Imagine the satisfaction of students showering you with praise (and maybe even virtual flowers) for finally teaching them the secrets of the universe (or at least how to make a killer soufflé).

Startup Cost: Practically pennies! ($10-$50) All you need is a brain overflowing with knowledge, a computer, and some free recording software (yes, free!). You can even film your courses in your pajamas (we won't tell). Think of it as an investment in your future self, who will be rolling in dough (metaphorically speaking) thanks to your online course empire.

Capital Intensity: Unlike opening a brick-and-mortar business, this side hustle won't require a bank loan. You don't need to rent a fancy studio or stock up on inventory (unless you're selling, say, artisanal sourdough starter kits alongside your baking course). It's all about leveraging the power of the internet to share your wisdom with the masses.

Interesting Growth Opportunities: Once you've conquered your first course, the world is your oyster (or metaphorical course topic)! Expand your offerings with specialized lessons, dive deeper into specific subjects, or even create a course bundle for ultimate learning value. The more courses you create, the bigger your online knowledge kingdom becomes!

Earning Potential: The beauty of online courses is the potential for income that keeps flowing even while you sleep (or, more realistically, catch up on all those cat videos you bookmarked). While income can vary, some course creators pull in thousands per month. The key is building a loyal audience and churning out high-quality content that makes students shout "Eureka! I finally understand astrophysics!" (or whatever your course topic may be).

So, what are you waiting for? Start your online course creation journey today and unlock the potential of your knowledge. Remember, the key to success is providing valuable content, building a strong online presence, and engaging with your audience. With dedication and passion, you can turn your expertise into a thriving side hustle.

This newsletter is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. The content is based on publicly available information, and the author makes no representations about its accuracy or completeness. Readers should conduct their own research before making any investment decisions.