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  • Here's Your Fortune: Save Smarter, Passive Income + AI Skills, AirBnB Superhost

Here's Your Fortune: Save Smarter, Passive Income + AI Skills, AirBnB Superhost

Tomorrow’s Fortune

Welcome to the action-packed newsletter designed to help you navigate the world of business, investing, and technology. You owe it to yourself to stay informed! If you missed last week’s post, check it out here. 😎 

Today’s post is 2,300 words (~5 minutes). Don’t be lazy… let’s get rich!

Cool Fact: Self-Driving Car Asks Passenger to "Chill Out" During Rush Hour. 😅 Imagine a self-driving car getting stressed out in rush hour traffic! While AI in self-driving cars is constantly learning, it might not be programmed to handle impatient drivers honking their horns. This funny scenario highlights the challenges of teaching AI to navigate real-world human emotions.

Today’s Digest:

  1. Big Money Mistakes: Latest YouTube video unpacks the 5 money mistakes that might be keeping you poor.

  2. Spaving Got You Stressed? Learn How to Save More and Spend Less.

  3. Why AI Skills are the Hottest Job BFF. Your Future Job Security Blanket...or Your Robotic Replacement?

  4. The Airbnb Superhost Guide: Turn Your Cleaning Hustle into Big Bucks.


Back again with a Friday special on YouTube! As I said before, my goal is to touch a million lives through financial wellness and provide the framework, insights and playbook to be SMART with your money.

Few things:

  1. Check out tonight’s video on the “5 Money Habits Keeping You Poor”… I get real with this one… buckle up and let’s break those habits🔥

  2. Make sure you Subscribe and hit those bell notifications so you never miss a beat 📲

  3. WATCH THE ENTIRE VIDEO! Pls and thank you… it helps the YT algorithm spread to others who could use the advice

  4. Like and comment and let me know what you think 🤩

  5. I’ll be uploading fire content every Friday until you’re rich

  6. Check out KENNY FINANCE for other videos


Spaving: Why You Might Be Spending More to Save Less

Let's face it, who doesn't love a good deal? But sometimes, those sales can feel more like magic tricks, pulling money right out of our wallets. We've all been there: that "limited-time offer" that screams "BUY NOW OR FOREVER REGRET IT!", or the "buy one, get one free" that ends up with us needing to find a friend to take the extra (not-so-needed) item.  This sneaky spending habit is called "spaving," and it's a major reason why many Americans struggle financially.

What is Spaving?

Spaving is the mentality of spending more money in order to get a "better deal." It's all those times you:

  • Snagged a "limited-time offer" that pressured you to buy now.

  • Bought one item at full price, but then added another to reach the free shipping threshold.

  • Fell victim to the classic "buy one, get one 50% off" (when you really only needed one).

While these deals seem tempting, they can trick you into spending more than you planned.

Why Spaving is a Trap

Experts warn that spaving can lead to excessive spending and credit card debt. Think about it: if you're constantly buying things you don't necessarily need, you'll have less money for important things like rent, groceries, and saving for the future.

How to Stop Spaving

Breaking free from spaving is all about being mindful of your spending habits. Here are some tips:

  • Silence the Sales Siren Song: Unsubscribe from store emails and delete shopping apps that bombard you with deals.

  • Cash is King: Paying with cash makes you feel the burn of spending more acutely than swiping a card.

  • Do the Math: Don't be fooled by fancy discounts. Sometimes a smaller percentage off a lower price is actually a better deal.

  • Outsmart Temptation: If a store is notorious for sales that make you overspend, avoid browsing altogether.

  • Create Purchase Hurdles: Make online shopping less impulsive by deleting your saved payment information.

  • The Power of Sleep: If you're unsure about a purchase, wait 24 hours before hitting "buy." Chances are, the urge to splurge will fade.

By outsmarting spaving, you can take control of your finances and stop feeling like your money is doing disappearing acts. Remember, a mindful shopper is a happy shopper, with a healthy bank account to boot.


  • Homeowners are getting rich. Renters? Not so much

    • Homeownership became a real-life video game, and homeowners just leveled up. They're hoarding a massive $17 trillion wealth treasure (equity). Renters? Stuck at level 1, watching prices climb faster than their savings. Rising mortgage rates are the ultimate boss battle, keeping them couch surfing. The game feels rigged, but there are always cheat codes out there, renters. Keep grinding!

  • Small biz owners worried about inflation but happy to be entrepreneurs

    • Small business owners are feeling the pinch of inflation and a shaky economy, just like everyone else. But unlike Wall Street, they're not popping champagne. A recent survey found they're worried about rising prices and keeping cash flowing. However, a surprising number (95%) are still super into being their own boss, even if it's a rollercoaster ride. They're in it for the long haul (and maybe a little passion-fueled adrenaline).

  • Apple's Ad Goes From Sleek to Squeak in 24 Hours

    • Imagine a giant metal press turning your favorite record player, paintbrush, and arcade game into dust. That's the vibe. Artists are furious, feeling like Apple doesn't care about creativity, just selling a super thin tablet. People are saying the ad makes them feel bad, not excited about ditching their old stuff for an iPad. Ouch, Apple. This ad might be powerful, but not in the way they were hoping.

  • AstraZeneca's Vaccine Fades Away

    • Remember the AstraZeneca vaccine? Yeah, neither does anyone else apparently. Demand for the once-celebrated jab has fizzled faster than a flat soda. With newer, fancier vaccines on the market, AstraZeneca's is getting benched. Over 3 billion doses were handed out worldwide, but now it's time to say goodbye. At least it saved over 6.5 million lives! Not too shabby for a short-lived hero.

  • FTX Repay? More Like a Refund (That Won't Buy Back Your Lost Crypto)

    • FTX is offering "full repayment," but it's a strange kind of full. You'll get more dollars than you had before, but crypto prices have soared. So basically, you get less crypto back than you started with. Meanwhile, FTX's founder is chilling in jail for fraud. Lesson learned: crypto exchanges are a gamble, and this time, the house wins.


AI Skills: The Hot New Job BFF You Need

Imagine this: you're applying for your dream job, but the hiring manager looks at your resume and shrieks, "Where are your AI skills?!" Sounds crazy, right? Well, get ready, because according to a new study, that might be your reality soon.

The study, by Microsoft and LinkedIn, surveyed over 31,000 people and found that a whopping 66% of business leaders wouldn't even consider hiring someone without AI skills. Yikes! That means AI is no longer just some sci-fi movie plot, it's becoming a key player in the job market.

But don't panic, this isn't about robots taking over (yet). The good news is, even if you're not a tech whiz, you can still benefit from AI. The report says companies are looking for people who can use AI tools, not necessarily build them. Think of it as a super helpful coworker who can analyze data, automate tasks, and make you look like a genius.

Here's the breakdown:

  • AI skills are hot: Demand for people who can use AI is through the roof, with hiring for these roles jumping a crazy 323% in the last eight years!

  • AI skills get you hired: Bosses are so impressed by AI skills that they'd rather hire someone with less experience but AI knowledge than someone super experienced who can't use AI.

  • AI skills boost your career: Not only will AI skills help you get hired, but they can also help you get promoted faster and take on more responsibility.

  • AI skills are learnable: Don't have a degree in artificial intelligence? No problem! The report found that employees are taking it upon themselves to learn AI skills through free online courses. In fact, demand for AI-related courses on LinkedIn Learning has skyrocketed by a whopping 160%!

Here's the not-so-great news:

  • Companies aren't always helping: Believe it or not, almost half (45%) of US executives aren't even providing their employees with AI tools or training. So, the pressure to learn AI skills is falling on employees themselves.

The bottom line? AI is here to stay, and it's becoming an essential job skill. The good news is, there are plenty of free resources available to help you learn. So, don't wait until your boss gives you the AI side-eye. Start upskilling today and make yourself the ultimate AI-powered professional.

Other Cool AI News!

  • Whoa! Chatbots Are Speeding Up Robot Development in China

    • ChatGPT, the AI chatbot, is giving robots a boost in China. These super helpers could be in factories (and maybe your house?) in just a few years. Don't panic about losing your job just yet though. AI is also helping develop medicine faster, so robots might be our future co-workers, not replacements. Just don't expect them to do your laundry anytime soon.

  • Casino security got a brain

    • Forget bouncers, AI is now watching your bets to sniff out cheaters and keep your money safe.  Plus, this brainy tech tailors rewards to your play style, so no more useless free spins for games you hate. AI is basically the casino's security guard and your own personal rewards butler. Now you can gamble guilt-free (well, almost) and maybe even win big! Just remember, gamble responsibly.

  • Scientists got a mega AI upgrade

    • Google's DeepMind built AlphaFold 3, an AI that predicts shapes of life's building blocks, like DNA and proteins. Imagine a 3D printer for molecules! This could mean faster medical discoveries and new materials. It's even 50% better than before! Anyone can use it for good stuff, but some worry it could be used for bad things too. Google says they're careful though. New tool with a side of "don't be evil".

  • Need a Hairstylist or a Handyman? There's an AI for That Now

    • Never spend hours searching for a plumber again! Yelp's new AI assistant is basically a matchmaker for all your service needs. This chatbot uses fancy AI to understand your project (think hairstylist in Brooklyn) and then finds the perfect pro for you. It even sends them your request! No more endless calls - just pick the best quote and get your spring project rolling. This is live on iPhone now, with Android coming soon. 


Tidy Travels, Big Bucks: Become an Airbnb Cleaning Superhost 🧼

Did you know cleaning vacation rentals can turn into a four-figure income boost? Intrigued?

Ever dream of turning your cleaning skills into travel cash? Airbnb cleaning might be your secret weapon! This side hustle is booming, and with a little elbow grease and strategy, you can be on your way to financial freedom.

Overview of this Side Hustle:  If you're looking for a way to boost your income and take control of your financial future, then Airbnb cleaning might be the answer you've been searching for.  This low-risk, high-reward side hustle allows you to set your own rates and work on your own schedule. This comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and resources you need to launch your Airbnb cleaning business. Get ready to unlock a new stream of income and wave goodbye to financial woes!

Startup Cost:  Budget under $50 to become an Airbnb cleaning superstar! You might already have most of the supplies. Think sponges, cloths, and cleaner. The biggest startup costs are trash bags ($5-$10), disinfectant wipes ($5-$10), and microfiber cloths ($10-$20). There are future costs like licenses ($1,000/year) and insurance ($1,000-$3,000/year), but you can start small and grow from there!

Capital Intensity: Forget expensive equipment rentals - Airbnb cleaning is a super low-cost side hustle! Launch for under $50 with basic supplies. Plan on spending $10-$20 a month to restock those supplies, plus factor in travel costs (gas/public transport) depending on your location and bookings. Marketing is flexible, but consider starting organically through referrals and online listings to save money!

Interesting Growth Opportunities:  As you build your client list and get rave reviews from Airbnb hosts, you can expand your business in a few ways.  First, you can simply take on more cleaning jobs, turning this side hustle into a full-time gig if you choose.  Second, you could hire a team of cleaners and delegate tasks, becoming a cleaning boss!  Third, you could offer additional services like laundry or linen replacement, becoming a one-stop shop for Airbnb hosts.  The sky's the limit!

Earning Potential: Set your own rates and watch the cash flow! The article says cleaners can make over $280 per cleaning. Imagine a four-figure income boost every month! Here's the key: aim for 2-3 weekly cleanings. With an average cleaning time of 2-4 hours and a $20-$30 hourly rate, you can scale quickly. While reaching 150 clients for weekly cleanings could mean a million-dollar year, even building a smaller client base can bring significant income! This side hustle packs a punch!

The demand for Airbnb cleaning services is only growing. By tapping into this lucrative market, you're not just boosting your income today, you're investing in a future filled with financial freedom and flexibility. So, what are you waiting for? Become an Airbnb Superhost and unlock your entrepreneurial potential!

This newsletter is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. The content is based on publicly available information, and the author makes no representations about its accuracy or completeness. Readers should conduct their own research before making any investment decisions.