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  • Here's Your Fortune: Saving Money, Retirement Wave, Latest AI Trend and Get Paid to Click

Here's Your Fortune: Saving Money, Retirement Wave, Latest AI Trend and Get Paid to Click

Tomorrow’s Fortune

Welcome to the action-packed newsletter designed to help you navigate the world of business, investing, and technology. You owe it to yourself to stay informed! If you missed last week’s post, check it out here. 😎 

Today’s post is 1,987 words (~4 minutes). Don’t be lazy… let’s get rich!

Cool Fact: 👀 Robot passport checker rejects Asian man's photo: In 2016, a facial recognition software used by the New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs rejected a passport photo of an Asian man because it mistakenly thought his eyes were closed. 😂 Oops! Maybe the robot needs glasses? 👓

Today’s Digest:

  1. Savings Hacks for Beginners. 💰 Start saving today, even with $0 in the bank + free BUDGET tracker 👉🏼 New YT Video! 

  2. Retirement Wave: Are Companies Ready? Examining the challenges and opportunities of an aging workforce.

  3. Meet HeyGen: The AI That Just Raised $60M. Discover how HeyGen is changing the game with its AI technology.

  4. Easy Money: Make $ While Testing Websites and Apps. Discover how to get paid for giving your opinion.


Back again with a Friday special on YouTube! As I said before, my goal is to touch a million lives through financial wellness and provide the framework, insights and playbook to be SMART with your money.

Few things:

  1. Check out tonight’s video on How to Save… Saving money doesn't have to be complicated. Let me show you how to get started even if you're starting from zero. I'll break down the steps to help you maximize your savings. 😉

  2. Make sure you Subscribe and hit those bell notifications so you never miss a beat 📲

  3. WATCH THE ENTIRE VIDEO! Pls and thank you… it helps the YT algorithm spread to others who could use the advice

  4. Like and comment and let me know what you think 🤩

  5. I’ll be uploading fire content every Friday until you’re rich

  6. Check out KENNY FINANCE for other videos


The Graying Workplace: The Boomers, the CEOs, and the Looming Retirement Crisis

Okay, folks, gather 'round for a tale of aging boomers, money-hungry CEOs, and a retirement crisis that's more dramatic than your grandma's soap operas.

Picture this: a generation of baby boomers, graying at the temples and dreaming of sunny beaches, are about to flood the retirement scene. It's like spring break for seniors, but with fewer tequila shots and more bingo nights. And guess what? The economy is shaking in its boots. Social Security is sweating, retirement homes are bracing for impact, and there's a labor shortage that's making employers weep into their morning lattes.

Larry Fink, the big boss at BlackRock (the financial giant with more money than Scrooge McDuck), swoops in with a solution. "Work longer, save more!" he proclaims, like a financial guru on a mountaintop.  He envisions a world where 70-year-olds are the new 50-year-olds, happily plugging away at their jobs while their 401(k)s fatten up.

But wait, there's a twist! Turns out, not everyone can work until they're 70. Some folks are battling health issues, others are busy caring for loved ones, and then some are simply unwanted by employers. Age discrimination, my friends, is still alive and well, lurking in the shadows of the workplace like a grumpy old ghost.

Cue the lawyers! Age discrimination cases are on the rise, especially in tech hubs like Austin, where "young and hip" is the name of the game. Meanwhile, companies are crying about labor shortages while simultaneously turning away experienced workers. It's like refusing a slice of perfectly good pizza because it doesn't have pineapple on it – utterly illogical.

Here's the real kicker: Boomers are caught in a financial tug-of-war. They can't retire comfortably because they haven't saved enough, but they can't keep working because no one wants to hire them. It's a retirement Catch-22, a vicious cycle of financial anxiety and professional rejection.

So, what's the takeaway from this dramatic saga? It's simple: We need to rethink retirement. We need to create a system that supports people who want to work longer, but also provides for those who can't. We need to tackle age discrimination head-on and value the experience and expertise of older workers. And we need to start having honest conversations about saving, investing, and planning for a financially secure future.

This isn't just about boomers. It's about all of us. The retirement crisis is a ticking time bomb, and if we don't defuse it soon, it'll blow up in our faces. It's time to stop ignoring the elephant in the room and start working towards a solution that benefits everyone. Because at the end of the day, we all want to retire comfortably, whether that's at 65, 75, or somewhere in between.

So, let's raise a glass (of prune juice, perhaps?) to the boomers, the CEOs, and the future retirees. May we all find a way to navigate this crazy retirement landscape and emerge on the other side with our sanity, our finances, and our sense of humor intact.


  • Nvidia takes the throne from Microsoft in epic stock surge

    • Nvidia is the chip champ that just flexed its muscles and snatched the crown from Microsoft as the world's most valuable company!  This AI-powered powerhouse has been on a rocket ship ride in 2024, soaring over 173%. The best part? This AI-powered powerhouse shows no signs of slowing down, with its chips fueling the AI revolution. So buckle up, folks, because Nvidia is just getting started.

  • Gold rush 2.0

    • Forget the dollar, darling, gold is the new black! Central banks are ditching the greenback for the shiny metal, with nearly 40% of emerging markets planning to increase their gold stash. This gold rush comes despite the price of the precious metal hitting nearly $2,450 per ounce last month. The 2008 financial crisis taught everyone a lesson in diversification.

  • Another EV startup bites the dust

    • Bitcoin is taking a dip, plunging below $65,000 for the first time in over a month! 📉 Is this the end of the crypto summer fling, or just a temporary cooldown? ❄️ Other cryptocurrencies like Ether, Ripple, Solana, and even the mighty Dogecoin are feeling the chill, tumbling along with Bitcoin. 🥶 While some traders are panicking, others see this as a buying opportunity. 🤑

  • Goldman Sachs spills the tea on the job market's dirty little secrets

    • Goldman Sachs is whispering secrets about the job market that might just make the Fed hit the brakes on interest rates. 🤫 While the job market seems to be strutting its stuff on the surface, a closer look reveals some not-so-glamorous details. Household employment growth is like a snail on vacation, unemployment is sneaking up like a ninja, and hiring is slower than a sloth on a treadmill.


HeyGen: The AI Avatar Rockstar Raffling Investors with $60 Million Funding Round

Move over, Hollywood A-listers! HeyGen, the AI avatar startup that's hotter than a stolen credit card, is about to rake in a cool $60 million in funding, giving it a dazzling $500 million valuation. That's right, folks, this ain't your grandpa's puppet show – we're talking cutting-edge AI avatars that can lip-sync, gesture, and deliver information with the charisma of a seasoned news anchor (minus the hairspray and ego).

This ain't no one-hit wonder, either. HeyGen's revenue has skyrocketed 20 times in the past year, reaching an annualized rate of over $20 million. They're not just making money; they're printing it faster than a counterfeiter on Red Bull.

So, what's all the fuss about? Well, these AI presenters are taking the business world by storm, helping companies train employees, market products, and even teach languages.  With HeyGen's lifelike avatars, your next corporate training video won't put your employees to sleep faster than a Ben Stein lecture.

Sure, the market is crowded with AI avatar startups, but HeyGen's got the moves like Jagger. Their avatars are so realistic, you'll swear they're real people (until they start glitching out, that is).  Plus, they've got a knack for creating digital twins of real people, which is basically like having your own personal clone army (minus the ethical dilemmas).

The big question is, can HeyGen keep the momentum going?  Will they be the next AI superstar, or will they fizzle out like a bad Tinder date? Only time will tell, but with their impressive growth and killer avatars, they're definitely a company to watch.  So grab your popcorn, folks, because this AI show is just getting started.

Other Cool AI News!

  • Even Apple's AI can't escape the occasional brain fart 😜

    • Apple's new AI, Apple Intelligence, might have a few hiccups, but Tim Cook swears it's mostly reliable and definitely time-saving. 😜 Think of it as Siri on caffeine, ready to help you write better emails and tackle tasks faster. It might even hallucinate sometimes, but hey, who doesn't love a little creative flair? Just remember, it's not perfect, so don't trust everything it says. 😉

  • Crystal ball blood test predicts Parkinson's seven years early

    • Scientists have concocted a magical blood test that can predict Parkinson's disease up to seven years before symptoms appear! 🧙‍♂️ This AI-powered potion analyzes blood proteins to spot a unique pattern in those destined for the disease.  While there's no cure yet, this early detection crystal ball could lead to new treatments that slow or even halt Parkinson's progression. 🔮


Get Paid to Click: The Ultimate Guide to Website & App Testing Side Hustles 🖱️🤑

Have you ever wished you could influence the future of technology? Website and app testers are the unsung heroes who ensure our digital experiences are smooth, seamless, and enjoyable. By sharing your feedback, you can help companies create better products and get paid handsomely for your time and expertise. If you're looking for a side hustle that's both meaningful and lucrative, website and app testing is the perfect fit.

Overview of this Side Hustle: Ever wish you could be the first to play a new video game or try out a hot new app? Well, website and app testing is like that, but you get paid! It's like being a digital detective, finding hidden bugs and glitches that could make or break a user's experience.

Startup Cost: The best part? You can start this side hustle with virtually zero investment. If you've got a computer or smartphone and an internet connection, you're practically in business! It's like getting paid to surf the web, but with a purpose.

Capital Intensity: Forget about loans or fancy equipment! Website and app testing is about as low-maintenance as it gets. You won't be breaking the bank on this one, and that leaves more cash in your pocket for fun stuff.

Interesting Growth Opportunities: The digital world is growing faster than a viral TikTok trend, and so is the demand for website and app testers. Become a specialist in a niche you love, like fashion or travel, and you could be earning top dollar in no time. The sky's the limit!

Earning Potential: Think of it like a treasure hunt, but instead of gold doubloons, you find bugs and get paid in cold, hard cash. Rates vary, but imagine earning $5 to $50 for every hour you spend clicking around. It's like a digital scavenger hunt that pays!

So, if you're ready to ditch the boring and embrace the exciting, website and app testing is waiting for you. It's a side hustle that offers endless possibilities, financial rewards, and the chance to make a real difference in the digital world. Sign up for testing platforms today and start your journey towards a more fulfilling and profitable online career.

This newsletter is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. The content is based on publicly available information, and the author makes no representations about its accuracy or completeness. Readers should conduct their own research before making any investment decisions.