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  • Here's Your Fortune: Zuck Bucks Billions, Bezos Buys Servers, & YOU Can Make Bank Online

Here's Your Fortune: Zuck Bucks Billions, Bezos Buys Servers, & YOU Can Make Bank Online

Tomorrow’s Fortune

Welcome to the action-packed newsletter designed to help you navigate the world of business, investing, and technology. You owe it to yourself to stay informed! If you missed last week’s post, check it out here. 😎 

Cool Fact: Love in the Time of Algorithms: Dating App AI Matches User with Themself. 👨‍❤️‍👨 A hopeless romantic tasked a dating app's AI with finding their soulmate. The AI, taking efficiency a bit too far, decided the perfect match was... the user themself. This incident sparked a debate about the limitations (and humor) of relying on algorithms for love, and maybe a suggestion to get out and socialize the old-fashioned way.

Today’s Digest:

  1. Meta Meltdown! Zuck Bucks Billions But Doubles Down on AI Dreams. Is this a bet on the future or a sign of trouble? 🤔

  2. Landlord of the Metaverse? Amazon's $150 Billion Data Center Spree. Forget houses and apartments, Amazon is on a land-grabbing mission – but for data! 🧠

  3. Stick It to the Man! How to Build a Sticker Empire with Social Media. Skip the boring office job and unleash your inner entrepreneur! 💡


Meta loses $200B in value after earnings beat and Zuck shares AI plans

This week, Meta, the company that owns Facebook and Instagram, sent mixed signals to investors, causing its stock price to take a tumble. Let's unpack the news for those unfamiliar with the financial world.

The good news first: Meta surpassed expectations! They raked in more money than analysts (people who try to predict how companies will perform) anticipated. Imagine running a bakery that sells out of cupcakes faster than you expected – that's kind of what happened with Meta's advertising business. They sold more ad space than predicted, leading to a healthy profit.

Here's where things get interesting. While Meta's current performance is strong, they cast a shadow of doubt on the future. They predict their growth will slow down in the coming quarter, meaning they might not sell quite as many cupcakes (ad space) next time around. This cautious outlook from Meta caused some concern.

Part of the reason for Meta's tempered outlook is a big bet they're making on a new project called the metaverse. Think of it as a fancy virtual world, a potential game-changer in the tech industry. But here's the catch: the metaverse is still in its early stages, and it's unclear if it will catch on with the public. It's like the bakery deciding to invest heavily in a new type of flour for a unique kind of bread – it could be amazing, but there's no guarantee it will be a hit with customers.

Investors, the folks who buy and sell pieces of companies (like slices of that new virtual bread!), grew nervous. They worried that Meta's focus on this unproven metaverse might take resources away from their core advertising business, the reliable cupcake sales that have been keeping the bakery afloat. So, they decided to wait and see how the metaverse pans out before investing more money in Meta. This hesitation from investors caused the price of Meta's stock to drop.

So, is this good or bad news for Meta? The truth is, it's too early to say. While their current performance is impressive, the future is a little uncertain. Investors are waiting to see if the metaverse will be a success, just like everyone's waiting to see if that new virtual bread will be a delicious innovation or a crumbly flop. Meta remains a profitable company, but their recent news highlights the risks and rewards that come with venturing into uncharted territory.


  • Zuckerberg is a little broker this week - loses $18B

    • Meta's stock price plunged 11% after their earnings call, wiping $18 billion off Mark Zuckerberg's net worth. Even though Meta exceeded expectations for revenue and profit, they provided a weaker outlook for the future. This, coupled with Zuckerberg's emphasis on risky metaverse investments, spooked investors.

  • Red Lobster needs a savior

    • Red Lobster may be known for its cheesy goodness, but their finances are feeling a bit rotten. Sales are sinking, leases are expensive, and bankruptcy looms. To avoid that fate, they're desperately seeking a buyer. But with a mountain of debt and a pile of unwanted leases, finding a savior might be trickier than escaping a lobster trap.

  • This Is the beginning of the end of TikTok

    • Uncle Sam's giving TikTok the boot! The Senate passed a bill forcing the app to find a new US owner within a year or get banned. Security concerns got them worried, so TikTok might need a makeover – new owner and all.

  • Why the Fed keeping rates higher for longer may not be such a bad thing

    • The Fed's keeping interest rates high, despite a booming economy. While some fear disaster, others see potential benefits - like taming inflation! The true impact is yet to be seen, but financial markets are holding steady for now. Will higher rates hurt consumers? Only time will tell, but one thing's for sure - the economic dance with interest rates is a complex one.

  • Fowl play at the grocery store…

    • Bird flu is back with a vengeance, causing major clucks in the egg market! Millions of chickens have died, leading to a global shortage and skyrocketing prices. From the US to Japan, consumers are feeling the pinch, with some prices jumping over 20%. Get ready to pay more for your omelets, or you might have to resort to creative ways to cope, like freezing those precious eggs.

  • No landing, big crash?

    • Bank of America sounds the alarm! Despite a strong US economy (low unemployment, job growth), strategist Michael Hartnett sees hidden risks. A "no-landing" scenario (strong economy, high inflation) could force the Fed's hand and hurt borrowing. Declining small business confidence and falling bond prices are further signs of potential trouble. The good times might not last.

  • Garcia claims $10 Million win by betting on himself

    • Move over Rocky, there's a new champion in town: self-belief! Boxer Ryan Garcia defied the odds (and possibly the Nevada Athletic Commission) by claiming he turned $2 million into a cool $10 million betting on, well, himself.  Is this the smartest financial decision ever, or just a champion's bravado? The jury's still out, but one thing's for sure: Garcia's got guts (and hands). One thing is for certain… he gave Devin Haney the work this past weekend and have to give Ryan his props


Hottest real estate play - data centers for AI

Source: CNBC

Imagine a giant warehouse, but instead of storing boxes, it stores information. That's what a data center is, and Amazon is planning to build a whole lot of them – to the tune of $150 billion over the next 15 years!

Why the big investment? Amazon's betting on a future filled with artificial intelligence (AI), a kind of super-smart computer technology. They need powerful data centers to handle all the information and calculations that AI needs to run.

This move will also help Amazon stay ahead of the competition in the cloud computing market, where they're already the leader. Cloud computing is basically renting out super-powered computers to businesses, and Amazon is the biggest landlord in this digital world.

Here's the breakdown of Amazon's data center plans:

  • Spreading the Data Love: New data centers are popping up like digital mushrooms, from Mississippi all the way to Saudi Arabia (say hello to the world's first camel-powered cloud?). Global domination, anyone?

  • Power Up Party: Existing data centers in Virginia and Oregon are getting a major upgrade, lured by sweet deals on clean energy and tax breaks. Think of it as data center summer camp – all the fun of more processing power, with none of the cafeteria mystery meat.

  • Going Green with a Nuclear Kick: A brand new eco-friendly data center in Pennsylvania will be powered by a nearby nuclear plant. Yes, you read that right – nuclear! But don't worry, it's the safe kind. This green giant will not only save the environment, but it could potentially power nearly a million homes (although your house probably won't suddenly start glowing in the dark).

  • Texas Two-Step: Looks like Amazon might be building a new data center in Texas too, adding to their ever-expanding digital empire. This digital sprawl is starting to look like something out of a sci-fi movie!

This data center domination plan makes it clear: Amazon is serious about ruling the future of tech, especially with AI at the helm. By building these information fortresses, they'll have the muscle to keep their cloud computing business on top and be ready for the explosion of AI applications to come. Get ready for a world where Alexa not only orders your toilet paper, but also writes your next sci-fi novel (and maybe even folds your laundry – a girl can dream).

Other Cool AI News!

  • Move over lab coats, AI is here to save the day

    • Xaira Therapeutics launches with $1 billion to develop drugs using artificial intelligence. They believe it's the future of medicine, and big investors agree. Led by a Stanford bigwig, Xaira is poised to change the drug discovery game.

  • AI Revolutionizes Insurance with Personalized Prices

    • Insurance is getting a tech upgrade! With crazy weather events messing with costs, AI is stepping in to set personalized insurance prices. Imagine discounts for good drivers or homes in low-risk areas. This could free up insurers to focus on customer service too. While some might worry about bias, AI promises a fairer, more data-driven approach to insurance – a win-win for everyone (hopefully)!

  • Saudi Arabia Bets Big on AI

    • Saudi Arabia's swapping oil for AI! Billions are raining down to lure tech giants and become an AI leader. This tech makeover is their plan B for the economy, but some are nervous. The US fears China might snag a piece of the AI pie. Get ready for a sandy Silicon Valley, folks, because the AI race just got a whole lot hotter.


Stick to This: How to Launch a Sticker Side Hustle (That Actually Makes Money)

Ever see those cool light-up phone cases or flashy car accessories all over TikTok? What if we told you they could be your ticket to a side hustle bringing in serious cash? Buckle up, because the world of social media stickers and accessories is booming, and you can be a part of it! With minimal investment and the power of viral marketing, this could be the creative outlet that turns into a financial game-changer.

How to get started?

1. Overview of the Business:

Ever dream of turning your creative ideas into a side hustle that brings in serious cash? Look no further than the booming world of social media stickers and accessories! This low-cost venture can be launched with minimal investment and has the potential to explode thanks to the power of viral marketing. Take Jason Siu, for example – he started selling stickers on Snapchat for just $3 each to save up for car parts. Now, a few years later, his business, Invalid.jp, brings in over $500,000 a year!

2. Average Startup Cost:

Practically peanuts! You can get started with under $100. This lets almost anyone with a creative idea test the waters and see if their concept resonates with online audiences. Think $20 worth of product and a basic computer to design and edit your content.

3. Capital Intensity:

This business is all about creativity, not a ton of upfront cash. There's no need for a fancy printing press or a huge warehouse full of inventory. You can source trending products for wholesale prices and customize them with your own designs, keeping your initial investment minimal. A computer for design and social media management, along with a phone for filming videos, is really all you need to get going!

4. Interesting Growth Opportunities:

One viral video can skyrocket your sales – think tens of thousands of dollars in a single day! The reach of social media platforms allows you to expose your creations to a massive audience, and a single lucky break can completely transform your side hustle.

5. Earning Potential:

From a few hundred bucks a month to potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. It all depends on your dedication and how you leverage social media. The beauty of this side hustle is its scalability. With consistent effort and a strategic social media approach, you can turn a small side project into a significant source of income, just like Jason did.

So, are you ready to ditch the boring and embrace the roar of a side hustle success story? With a little creativity, some strategic social media magic, and the tips we're about to share, you could be the next sticker entrepreneur taking the internet by storm! Stay tuned for the secrets to launching and scaling your social media sticker side hustle, and get ready to watch your income – and your follower count – soar!

This newsletter is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. The content is based on publicly available information, and the author makes no representations about its accuracy or completeness. Readers should conduct their own research before making any investment decisions.