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  • Here's You Fortune: Debunking Millennial Myths, Robots Rising & From Grime to Green

Here's You Fortune: Debunking Millennial Myths, Robots Rising & From Grime to Green

Tomorrow’s Fortune

Welcome to the action-packed newsletter designed to help you navigate the world of business, investing, and technology. You owe it to yourself to stay informed! If you missed last week’s post, check it out here. 😎 

Cool Fact: In 2010, an early AI algorithm attempted to invest in cryptocurrency but mistakenly purchased "Bitcoins" instead of Bitcoin due to a glitch in its coding… tough day to be a crypto quant 💥

Today’s Digest:

  • Mic Drop! Debunking Millennial Myths: Forget the "avocado toast vs. stocks" debate! We're busting financial myths that pin millennials and Gen Z against the market

  • Rise of the Robo-Buddies? ⚙️ Buckle up! We're diving deep into NVIDIA's latest project - building REAL-LIFE HUMANOID ROBOTS! 🤖

  • From Grime to Green? Powerwashing your way to a side hustle empire? This guide spills the suds on turning your weekends into a pressure-washing profit machine! 💦


Your Kids are Richer Than You

Source: Money.com

Financial advice these days can be more confusing than deciphering a TikTok algorithm. Boomers are throwing shade at Millennials and Gen Z for, like, existing, while these younger generations are drowning in student loans and the constant allure of #DopamineCulture. But hold on to your avocado toast – there's more to the story!

Turns out, history loves to repeat itself when it comes to generational money woes. Boomers got lectured by their parents, who in turn got side-eyed by their grandparents for the Charleston. It's a never-ending cycle of "you kids these days" finger-wagging.

But here's the plot twist! Recent studies are showing Gen Z might be the financial rockstars nobody saw coming. They're packing away retirement savings like it's going out of style (seriously, triple the amount of Gen X at their age!).

What's the secret sauce? It's not just a sudden love affair with spreadsheets (although, that would be impressive). It's the changing landscape of retirement plans. 401(k)s are all the rage now, and features like auto-enrollment make saving for the future easier than ordering takeout. Plus, forget analysis paralysis from a million investment choices – these plans are keeping things simple.

The studies found that Gen Z households have nearly three times more assets in the retirement plan accounts (adjusted for inflation) that Gen X households did at the same age… take that grandma!

So, instead of throwing shade and fueling the "generational grudge match," let's celebrate the progress!  Boomers paved the way for better retirement options, and Millennials/Gen Z are taking full advantage.  It's a financial high-five moment for everyone!

Who knows, maybe Millennials and Gen Z will be remembered as the financial superheroes who built a more secure future for everyone. Let's get out there, navigate this crazy financial world together, and work towards a brighter tomorrow (without the side-eye, hopefully).


  • Check Your Mail: Refund Here Yet?

    • Uncle Sam's been busy!  Over 43 million tax returns are in, with a whopping $135 billion doled out in refunds so far. The average taxpayer is raking in $3,145, which is higher than last year (bonus!). But hold on to your tax forms – this is just the early bird special. The IRS is still awaiting millions of returns, so the final numbers might change. But remember… if you’re receiving a tax refund… are you really winning? Or did you give the government an interest free loan 👀

  • Fed expects to cut rates 3 more times this year

    • Buckle up for a financial rollercoaster (but hopefully the fun kind)! The Fed is taking a "bullish-dovish" approach, predicting continued economic growth with a dip in unemployment. They're planning 3 rate cuts this year (originally 4) to fight inflation, which is expected to fall to 2.6% by year's end. The stock market likes this plan, but keep an eye on things – it's a complex ride!

  • Uncle Sam… Please Pay My Student Loans

    • Get ready for a wild ride, because $5.8 billion in student debt is about to vanish into thin air for approximately 78,000 lucky souls through the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program! But hold onto your hats – an additional 380,000 public service workers are in for a treat with their debt getting the boot via email within two years. It's like winning the lottery, but instead of cash, you're cashing in on freedom from those pesky student loans!

  • More than half of Americans don’t have an emergency savings fund

    • A whopping 56% of Americans are one step away from a financial meltdown, unable to cough up a mere $1,000 for unexpected expenses, according to Bankrate. But fear not! Bankrate's economic guru, Mark Hamrick, has a golden nugget of wisdom: stash away those pennies in a high-yield savings account for a rainy day. Trust me, folks, it's way better than relying on Aunt Edna's questionable loans or maxing out those credit cards!

  • Thinking of selling your home? List it in June!

    • Hey, homeowners! According to Zillow, the sweet spot for listing your home just got a makeover, with homes listed in the first two weeks of June 2023 selling for a whopping 2.3% more – that's a cool $7,700 extra in your pocket! And hey, if you're in San Francisco, it's all about February, but if you're a New Yorker or Philadelphian, July is your time to shine. So, dust off those 'For Sale' signs and get ready to cash in on that prime real estate market!


NVIDIA: From Pixels to Pals - Building Your Robot Buddies

Forget that lucky win in the graphics card lottery – NVIDIA's been on a tear lately, absolutely dominating the AI and tech scene! In just a few months, they've pulled off moves that would make a chess grandmaster jealous.

We all know NVIDIA for its graphics cards, the secret sauce that turns your PC into a pixel-pushing powerhouse. But they're not stopping making games look more real than your grandma's cookies. These GPUs are now the muscle behind some of the most groundbreaking AI out there. Think self-driving cars navigating rush hour like seasoned veterans, or medical imaging that spots sneaky health gremlins hiding in your body – all powered by NVIDIA's tech.

But NVIDIA isn't just content with flexing its silicon muscles. They've unleashed a secret weapon called Gen AI – basically, AI that's graduated from training wheels. This super-powered AI lets robots see the world, not just through cameras, but understand it like a curious toddler (hopefully with less drool and random object-in-mouth incidents).

With Gen AI at the controls, NVIDIA is building robots that are more than just machines – they're on the path to becoming our robot buddies! Imagine a robot surgeon with nerves of steel assisting in delicate operations, or a robot companion keeping grandma company during bingo night. The rise of these humanoid developments is upon us, and NVIDIA is leading the charge.

Introducing Project GR00T: The Brains and Brawn of the Robot Revolution

NVIDIA isn't stopping at super-powered AI for robots. They've unveiled Project GR00T, a whole new platform for building next-level humanoid robots! We're talking machines that go beyond "beep boop" and into "understand-the-world-and-maybe-help-with-the-dishes" territory.

Imagine a super-powered brain (courtesy of NVIDIA's GPUs, of course) working in tandem with genAI. This isn't your average AI, folks. It's like AI that went to Robot College and graduated top of its class. With genAI on board, these robots can learn from past experiences, understand your voice commands (finally, a robot who won't judge your questionable singing!), and even make decisions based on what they see.

These aren't exactly the droids you're looking for in a cantina (although, a robot bartender that mixes the perfect drink sounds pretty sweet). Project GR00T is setting its sights on heavy industries, like helping out in factories or construction zones. Think of it as giving those jobs a super-powered upgrade!

And NVIDIA isn't going it alone. They're teaming up with the coolest robot and simulation experts around to make this robot revolution a reality. They've even thrown in a special computer called the Jetson Thor to give these robots the processing power of a tiny superhero.

So, the next time you see a perfectly rendered explosion in your video game, know that NVIDIA is using that same tech to create a future where robots are our co-workers, not our overlords (unless they bring us pizza, then maybe we can bend the rules a bit).

Other Cool AI News!

  • Anguilla cashes in on AI domains

    • Who would've thought a few letters after a dot could be such a cash cow? Anguilla, a tiny Caribbean gem, is laughing all the way to the bank, making $32 million – over 10% of its GDP – from .ai web addresses. With every click, they're funding free healthcare, schools, and even airport upgrades. Move over, Silicon Valley – there's a new A.I. hotspot in town, and it's soaking up the sun in Anguilla!

  • White House says 10% of US jobs are exposed to AI

    • The AI apocalypse is looming, with about 10% of American jobs potentially on the chopping block, according to a White House report. But fear not – policymakers are on the case, ready to shield vulnerable workers from the storm. So, while robots may be eyeing our jobs like seagulls eyeing a picnic, let's stay vigilant and keep our skills sharp – after all, there's no algorithm for human creativity!


Spray, Sizzle, Success: Diving into the Sudsy Side Hustle of Pressure Washing 💦🤑

Ready to turn dirt into dollars and grime into gold? Welcome to the high-pressure, low-stress world of pressure washing – where every spray brings you closer to squeaky-clean success and a wallet thicker than a layer of mud on a neglected driveway. Get ready to unleash your inner cleanliness crusader as we dive into the bubbly, bubbly world of power-washing prowess. 🧼 So grab your goggles and let's scrub away the competition in this sudsy saga of spray-and-pay!

How to get started?

1. Overview of the Sudsy Business:

So, you've decided to dive into the world of pressure washing, huh? Well, hold onto your spray nozzles because this business is simpler than figuring out your grandma's TV remote. With each job raking in anywhere from $192 to $401, you could be swimming in cash faster than you can say "clean concrete!"

2. Average Startup Cost:

Forget about breaking the bank to get started. Dive into the pressure washing game with less than $5,000! Grab a pressure washer ($200-$400), some supplies ($100-$200), and maybe lease a truck ($350/month) if you're feeling fancy.

3. Capital Intensity:

Sure, you'll need to invest in some gear and keep your wheels rolling, but hey, that's just part of the fun. Don't sweat the ongoing costs too much—just think of it as the price you pay for being the neighborhood's cleaning superhero.

4. Interesting Growth Opportunities:

Pretty easy to grow and scale these businesses… roll up the sleeves and go door-to-door with a portfolio of sample washes (before and after) and launch a IG / TikTok campaign to market your pressure washing talents. The trick is to let people know how dirty their homes and buildings actually are… then hit them with your cost affective and quality solution

5. Earning Potential:

Ah, the sweet sound of cash flowing like a freshly unclogged drain! Picture this: with the average pressure washing job raking in anywhere between $192 and $401, you've got yourself a golden ticket to financial freedom. Let's do the math, shall we? Whip out that pressure washer and tackle two jobs a day, each fetching you a cool $250. That's a whopping $130,000 a year, leaving you with plenty of time to kick back, relax, and enjoy the fruits of your sudsy labor. Cha-ching! 💰

Don't let dirt and grime win! With a pressure washing business, you can be your own boss and blast away the blues (and the mildew) one satisfied customer at a time. Grab the pressure washer and let’s get to this money!

This newsletter is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. The content is based on publicly available information, and the author makes no representations about its accuracy or completeness. Readers should conduct their own research before making any investment decisions.